Jack Me Like A Car

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I gazed at the hottie and tried to highlight his features from afar.

His face was chiseled, jawline crisp, face cleanly shaved and bare chest stained with sweat. The way he was rolling that tire spanner was insanely attractive.

Here I was on the other end of the street staring at this insanely gorgeous mechanic working on a car. I have to get closer, I have to speak with him. But I couldn't just walk into a mechanic shop for absolutely no reason.

I could feel the gears working in my head like Mr. Gorgeous over there was working on those screws. And then ding, an idea was born.


"Oof. Who did you piss off to slash your tires like that?" One of the mechanic guys whistled.

"Nobody, it was just an accident," I said, batting my eyes innocently at the guy. He was good-looking too, but a little bit shorter and less appetizing than my person of interest. Heck, all the men here were hot though.

However, speaking of my person of interest, where the hell was he? In the span of time, it took for me to work some wonders on my tire and back, Mr sexy disappeared.

Just then, a smoky deep voice sounded behind me. "Tire problems?" the voice asked.

I could feel the hairs at the back of my neck stand at attention. My stomach churned with butterflies that flew straight down to my core. I felt something warm graze my back, as it came to stand next to me.

A sweet woodsy smell invaded my nostril, and I couldn't help wanting to look at the source of it. I slowly turned to my side, to stare at the person beside me. Sweet lord if he wasn't fucking hot. If all the pictures and posters on my wall were to suddenly come alive, then it would be him.

He was my dream boy in every physical aspect.

My eyes slowly drank him up from his feet. He had on a black Dr. Martens combs tech - might I add made his feet look sexy as hell. He was clad in black coveralls that was zipped down to the waist, making him technically shirtless.

His chest bopped up and down and sweat slid down it, disappearing into the v shape of his waist. I craned my head a little closer, hoping I could take a peek at what was beyond that waist line.

"Hi," the smoky voice said and I quickly snapped my head up.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, whichever one of you suggested to the lord to create this walking embodiment of hotness, I thank thee.

My eyes met a hazel one and fuck did I feel a buzz all over my skin. Seriously if I thought he was good-looking from afar, then I thought wrong. With his black hair wet from sweat, lively hazel eyes, and heart-shaped face, he was a walking recipe for hotness.

I gulped and returned his greetings "Hello"

"Yo Dex, can you handle this one? I have to finish working on that Honda in the back" the guy that was speaking to me earlier said.

Dex was his name huh? Hot.

"Sure thing Mike," Dex said, taking a quick glance at me and back to my car.

Just like that, it was only me and Dex, while the other guys retreated to the back.

I looked at the shirtless man crouched down in front of me, silently checking my tires. If I said I wasn't eye fucking him at the moment, then my nose would grow long like Pinnochio's.

"How you were able to drive here with this busted-up tire is amazing" Dex suddenly said.

"I wasn't that far off when it got slashed by an object on the road," I replied- which wasn't a total lie. I went to a supermarket not too far from here and bought a mini pocket knife, then slashed my tires on the road. So yea I say my sorry checks out a little.

He turned his head to me, and my breath hitched when we made eye contact.

"It's lucky that you found here then," he said.

Hmm, yes. I was definitely lucky to have found this place. I thought as I licked my lips.

Dex went to grab a car jack, and I watched him work. He placed the jack under the car and began to pump. And so my erotic thoughts began.

Gosh, I wanted him to pump me like that.

He took off the tire and rolled it off to the side. I bit my lips watching his biceps flex and contract at his movement.

My stomach was rolling like those tires.

Then he came back with a brand new tire and lifted it up to place it on the wheelbase.

I wanted him to lift my legs like that.

His fingers were tightening the lug nuts on my car and hmm, how I wish it was my clit they were strumming. He gave the tire little smacks, and I felt my ass itch.

Oh, what I'd give for that tire to be my ass.

"Okay, all done," Dex said as he got up.

"Wow, that was quick. Thank you"

"My pleasure" He grinned.

If only he knew whose pleasure that really was.

I took out my credit card to hand over to Dex, and he took it from me, grazing my fingers slightly.

Talk about electric current.

I didn't miss the fact that his fingers lingered a tad bit too long on mine. I glanced at him under the hood of my lashes, only to find out he was already staring at me. His smirk grew wider as he took the card from me, and stalked off towards the back.

I didn't imagine that, right? It looked like he was checking me out.

As I was pondering my thoughts, Dex came back out and handed me my card, with another card on top of it. I peered at the card and realized it was a business card. Not just any business card, but Dex's business card.

According to the card, his full name is Dexter Hazael. Seriously his name was hot as fuck.

"Whenever you have car problems, feel free to call me" he winked.

"I sure will" I gave him a smile and walked into my car.

"Oh and...drive safe" he called after me.

The moment I drove off and was out of view, I pulled my car over to the side of the road and parked. To say I was gushing would be an understatement. I was full-on squealing, smacking my steering wheel, hitting my dashboard, and overall just losing my marbles.

I stared at his card and inhaled it, there was a hint of a sweet and woody smell coming off it. Ugh, he smelled so good. I just want to drive back there and hump his bones, but I can't. I don't know if he's actually into me and how he'll react.

Usually, I just straightforwardly ask them if they wanted to hook up, but for some reason, I didn't want to blow this one up. For the first time, I found a man I was genuinely interested in and wanted to proceed with caution. It's crazy.

I ordered pizza when I got home because I got too distracted by another type of meal to stop at a restaurant. As I ate the pizza, my eyes couldn't help but drift to the business card sitting on my living room glass table.

"Dexter." I let his name call out in a sultry tone. I then realized it was the first time I'd said his name out loud. It would feel so good to moan it when he is wedged deep inside of me. That's if that ever happens. I bit my lips and pondered.

How do I meet him again?

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