Takagi Estate- Tainted Unity

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The silence and tranquility enveloped Nagi, offering a much-needed escape as he delved deeper into the story. Taking a macaron from the tray, he popped it into his mouth, savoring the sweet delight.

A muffled sound escaped him, a mix of pleasure and confusion, as his gaze caught sight of a shadowy figure lurking in the corner of the building, their presence inconspicuous.

Swallowing the last remnants of tea, Nagi reluctantly rose from his seat, his movements controlled and quiet. With deliberate action, he opened the balcony doors, the hinges creaking softly.

Intrigued by the enigmatic presence, Nagi's agile form leaped over the balcony, his grip secure on the platform ledge. Gracefully descending to the ground, he landed silently, his feet absorbing the impact without a sound.

As he stood upright, Nagi's eyes caught sight of Saeko and Saya engaged in a conversation near a serene Koi pond. Ignoring it at the moment, Nagi crept up to the figure using the shadows of the looming mansion and bushes. However...

"What's all this commotion about?!" A commanding, booming voice echoed through the air, capturing Nagi's attention.

Nagi's attention was caught by the sight of Souichiro towering over Kohta, who sat on the ground, his hands gripping tightly onto his guns.

However, to his dismay, the voice of Souichiro startled the figure, causing it to quickly retreat with shuffling footsteps that gradually faded away. Though Nagi could have pursued the figure, the situation between Kohta and Souichiro demanded his attention.

Before Nagi could make a move, his eyes caught sight of a determined Takashi striding towards the two. It amused Nagi to observe that while Takashi appeared confident on the outside, his fidgeting and the sweat on his forehead did not go unnoticed.

However, this situation also presented an opportunity for the group to resolve the issue on their own, allowing Nagi to satisfy his curiosity in the process. Swiftly giving chase, Nagi soon discovered that the figure hadn't gone far, as indicated by the muffled voice emanating from behind a nearby corner.

Noticing a suitable crevice in the mansion's wall, Nagi leaped and firmly gripped it with one hand, hoisting himself up and grabbing hold of the roof of the ground floor. With utmost stealth, Nagi approached the vicinity of the figures and discreetly eavesdropped on its conversation.

"Yes, that's right!" The scrawny and disheveled young man exclaimed, nodding vigorously in agreement with the person on the other end of the phone line.

His eyes appeared aged beyond his years, their crazed intensity unsettling to Nagi, who observed the scene from his concealed vantage point. It was a sight, unlike anything Nagi had witnessed before, sending a mixture of curiosity and wariness within him.

"I'm preparing my escape right now," the boy informed his caller, causing Nagi to narrow his eyes in curiosity. Escape? But why? As he listened intently, the boy's next words left Nagi utterly baffled. "I think if we ask them now, they'll let us in. Yes... Shido-sensei!"

'Shido?' Nagi questioned himself, his expression filled with puzzlement. 'That creep is still alive? Well, I shouldn't be too surprised, considering his way with words and charisma.' Nagi contemplated the situation, considering the potential consequences of Shido's arrival.

Should he take preemptive action and eliminate the boy? The thought crossed his mind, but ultimately, Nagi decided against it. While it wouldn't require much effort on his part, there seemed to be no point in doing so now that Shido already had information about their location.

If Shido was simply seeking refuge, then there was no need for preemptive action. However, if there was even a hint of mischief or plotting, Nagi's eyes grew cold as a single sentence formed in his mind: 'I'll kill him.'

HOTD: Tōshiro NagiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ