"That's normal sunshine. Just think that we are halfway there and soon you will be able to hold them, and Alex will be a big brother."

"You are right like always. I love you baby."

"I love you too. Get some rest, I will be home in 1 hour and we can watch a movie and eat the snacks that I will get."

"Can we see The notebook again?" I asked excited. We had watched that movie more times than I can actually remember and I cried almost through the whole movie while Jack would hug me and stroke my hair. I loved when I cuddled next to him or when I put my head in his lap and he would play with my hair. Let's say that after all this time Jack had learned to make a mean French braid. The man was gifted.

"Of course. This way you can cuddle to papa bear if you start crying." He chuckled. "I am at the store baby, can you text me what you wanted."

"Of course." I said in a chirped voice happy that food would come home soon so I texted him the lost, double checking that I didn't forgot anything, I didn't want to send him to the store again.

If you are wondering how Jack and I ended up together when I clearly broke things up with him and he seemed to have a crush in Francesca you won't believe how that happened.


After a month of me and Mike coming to the states from Italy Jack and Francesca also came to the states. Jack was completely healed and feeling well and since we were getting along well we decided that the four of us would go to Vegas to celebrate the fact that Isabel was behind bars and that we started a new chapter in our life.

We hit the clubs and drunk like there was no tomorrow and to tell you the truth none of us remembers well what happened that night after we got drunk. All I know was that I woke up with a killer headache and that when I turned to see if  Mike was also suffering the consequences of the hangover my jaw dropped on the floor when instead of Mike, Jack was in my bed in all his naked glory. The white satin sheets thanks god covered him from the waist down. Curious I checked myself to see that I wasn't wearing any clothes either.

In my process of screaming I managed to wake up Jack who also was surprised to see me in his bed but the bastard just smirked and winked instead of panicking like I did. I got dressed up really fast grabbing my clothes that were lying scattered around the room. Thankfully I found everything and went to my room that was across the hall, Jack  following me.

I opened the door of my room only to find Mike and Francesca cuddling in the bed, their clothes also scattered in the floor of the bedroom. Jack was cracking up behind me so I turned my head narrowing my eyes. He stopped laughing but now Mike and Francesca woke up from all the noise. When Mike saw that it was Francesca in he bed with him and not me he got up so quickly he fell off the bed with a loud thump.

We all stayed quiet for a minute, just looking at each other not knowing what to say when Jack finally broke the silence.

"Well I guess congratulations are in order."

"What do you mean?" I snapped

"Look at your finger." He said pointing at my left hand. I raised it to see a wedding band. It was a beautiful wedding band, white gold and white diamonds but I had no idea how it ended up in my hand.

"You bastard." Mike yelled and was walking towards Jack to hit him but because he was also trying to cover up with his sheet it took some time.

"Hey, you slept with Francesca too, so I am not the only bastard." Jack said while getting away from him. All three of us turned to Francesca who wasn't saying anything the whole time. She was staring at her left hand, which also had a wedding band on it but instead of white gold it was a golden color. Mike checked his hand so see that he also had a similar one.

"Apparently we all got married last night." Jack conformed showing his hand that had a matching ring to mines.

"Is that even legal?" Mike asked. "We were drunk as hell, I am surprised I found my room and I am not sleeping under a bridge."

"I think it's legal. After all this is Vegas." Jack just shrugged but I could see a faint smile in his face. The bastard was probably very happy with the situation.

"We can ask for an annulment." Mike offered.


The all looked around I was surprised that it was me who had said those words.

"No?" Mike asked hurt.

"I know that I doesn't make sense but I believe that everything happens for a reason. Why don't we give it a try and if after six months we are not happy we can ask for a divorce." I spoke the words that I never thought I would. Jack was smiling, Mike seemed hurt while Francesca was still looking at her ring. Finally she just nodded.

We all left Vegas the following day and in the beginning the situation between the four if us was awkward. We decided that it would be best if the two couples didn't see each other often so that we could give our marriages a chance. Even thought Mike wasn't that happy he agreed.

Jack was in the best behavior trying to do everything he could to make me fall in love with him and I tried to keep an open mind. While we were married we didn't sleep together again until after four months of being married. That day was a Sunday so Jack was off. I asked my stepmom if she could watch Alex for the night so he slept at her house that night. Jack had gone out for his usual running routine and when he came back he was surprised to see me in his bedroom.

"What's up stranger?" He said while grabbing a towel and wiping his sweat off. He was getting ready to get in the shower when I stopped him.

"I love you." I said getting close to him and wrapping my hands in his neck. He stayed silent for a second that he gave me his million dollar smile.

"Say it again, I don't think I heard you right."

"I love you." I said giving him a peck on the lips.

"I love you the most" he said lowering his head and captured my lips in an earth shattering kiss.

After that we made love and Jack and I slept in the same room.

***end of flashback**

"What are you thinking?" Jack came in the room putting the grocery bags in the countertop and grabbing a spoon in the drawer handing me the tiramisu.

"How we got married in Vegas."

"Ah, best day of my life." He said while sitting in the sofa next to me and giving me a kiss.

"I still can't remember anything that happened that night." I said trying to remember anything but came up empty each time.

"Don't worry, I  can't remember anything either but I am glad with the result." He winked and took a spoonful of my tiramisu.

"Of course you are. But I wanted to remember my second wedding day."

"Third time is the charm." He laughed

"What do you mean? Are you planing on divorcing me Jack Ryder?" I said in the brink of tears.

"No baby, I am saying that after the twins are born we can have another wedding ceremony. One where we are not drunk." He chuckled


"I promise." He said kissing me in the temple.

We sat down watching he the notebook for the nth time and while I was crying because of the movie I couldn't be any happier with the man next to me.

"And they say nothing good comes from getting drunk." I hear Jack say before he lifted me and placed me in our bed where I drifted asleep with a smile on my lips. The last think I remember before totally being engulfed in the dream land was  Jack giving me a sweet kiss on the lips.


It's finally over. I will miss this book. Thanks guys for all the support. Hope you liked it. It's my longest chapter that I have ever written.

Please vote and comment and check my other stories, they are not getting enough love   :(

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