Chapter 2: The Stadium

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*TAKE NOTE*: this story takes place before Isaac's mandate (which ordered that the W.L.F. should kill all trespassers found in Seattle).

After a day of rest, Marlow and I discussed what our next moves would be. She was too injured to hike to the next city over and returning back to our last home was too dangerous.

Towards the afternoon Marlow mentioned that whilst she was on the run she noticed a lot of movement around a large stadium. We thought about the idea of seeking help from the mysterious people within the stadium, however, there was a lot of risk involved. What if the people living there were the scarred soldiers we both encountered earlier on?

As we ate the last of the food Marlow had found in the supermarket, I glanced at her injuries. The deep gashes on her arms, side and thigh were still spurting blood and her condition only seemed to worsen. One bloody gash on her side looked potentially life threatening and the thought of losing her was weighing heavy on my mind. I had no medicine to give her and the idea of going to the stadium for help seemed plausible.

After debating on whether or not to go for an hour, I finally stood up and began to pack our things. I woke Marlow up from her short nap and said "It's our only choice".
She nodded, knowing what I was referring to, and propped herself up from the floor. We collected what little supplies we had left and walked back out into the open freezing air.

It's either this or watch her die.

Marlow leaned on me for support as we hiked, and whenever we encountered an infected or another person, Marlow would shoot from afar while I attacked with my knife or pistol up close.

From her hazy memory, she would direct me to where she thought she saw the stadium and with the help of a map we finally arrived.

With our low supplies and Marlow's severe injuries the only option was to completely surrender ourselves to the guards that surrounded the stadiums entrance.

We quickly formed a plan and revealed ourselves from the depths of the forest. The first step we took onto the concrete ground was met with a dozen guns pointed our way. I felt my heart pound in my ears and a buzzing, jittery sensation travel to my fingertips. I could tell Marlow was frightened too. She barely held herself up without my support and her eyes were wide with shock. The image of a gun aimed at me was not unfamiliar, but as I observed the scene the sheer amount of shooters lined up to pop a bullet in us was unfathomable. We raised our hands in the air and explained our situation to them.

They were rightfully sceptical at first; our orders were to step forward slowly and slide our weapons over on the floor. A guard lifted up our guns and emptied them of their contents. A single bullet was all that was left in mine whilst Marlow's contained two, our scarce supplies must have been pathetic to them.

I hated to be viewed this way, to be perceived as weak and inferior. Our rough appearances and bloody clothes were embarrassing. These thoughts seemed trivial when compared to Marlow's life threatening injuries and my desperation for her to survive, I inwardly cursed at myself for having such vain thoughts at such an important moment.

After a woman who seemed to lead the line of defence for the stadium ordered the guards to stand back, they lowered their guns. Although they followed her orders unquestionably their faces seemed doubtful. I understood- if I were in their position I would have viewed our damsel in distress-like state as a distraction for an attack.

The guards scanned us with detectors to check if we were infected but all I could think about was Marlow. Her condition seemed to be getting worse and these guards were taking their sweet time. The detector indicated that we weren't infected and after searching us, the guards took all of our belongings and rummaged through them for weapons and other suspicious items. After that they separated us for questioning.

It was a draining three hours. I begged them to at least give Marlow some painkillers but they ignored me. My fists clenched at the thought of Marlow being questioned relentlessly whilst pints of blood escaped her body. I regretted my choice to come to the stadium Will they kill us ?

Thankfully, we were released after they confirmed our stories matched. A man named Isaac threatened us for information on a group called the 'Scars' but he soon realised we knew nothing. Letting us go with a few cuts and scratches, he introduced me to Manny whilst Marlow was finally carried off to see a medic. I pleaded to accompany her but apparently the medical area was too crowded, Manny reassured me "She'll be fine, you'll see for yourself later".

Manny lightened my mood with a few jokes and showed me to the room Marlow and I would be sharing. Room 204. It was spacious and well lit with a clear internal view of the SoundView Stadium pitch.

As Manny was leaving he reminded me in a thick Mexican accent "By the way Lyn, me and my friend Abby live right next door. So if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask either of us".

I smiled back at him and flopped my body back onto the bed once he shut the door. A few minutes later I had drifted off into a deep slumber without even being conscious of it.

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