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Stepping into the grill Clara sees her friends at a table, she walks over to her friends and sister with a cute smile. Before she could reach the table she was pick up from behind making her squeal. She turns her head to see who is holding her, she immediately smiled brightly seeing its her bestfriend Tyler Lockwood. The mayors son.

" Ty Ty" she squealed, she would've hug him if he wasn't holding her in the air swinging her.

" hey bumblebee" he genuine smiled, now these days it seem he only genuinely smiles is in his bestfriend's presence.

" she's still friends with Tyler" Lucius said surprised, Tyler and Clara are opposites. Sunshine and midnight, nice and mean. He honestly thought they would fall apart.

" Lucius there bond is tight, they have been thick as thieves ever since they were toddlers" Carina stated, she always adored Clara and Tyler friendship.

" I feel replaced" Rabastan grumbled, his brother and friends looking at him weirdly.

" you do know they have known each other for ages right, you've only knowned her for two years" Lucius said making Rabastan glare at him grumpily, mocking him under his breath.

" what have I told you about calling me that nickname?" Clara questioned, her feet finally back in the floor.

" to not call you it" Tyler says innocently.

" yes so stop or else I will..... do something terrifying to you" she threatened, throwing him a menacing glare in her opinion.

However she looked like a small puppy trying to intimidate someone, Caroline, Bonnie and Matt watching them in amusement.

" ok, what ever you say ....... Bumblebee" Taunted Tyler strutting to there table, not taking Clara threat to heart knowing she can barely hurt a fly.

" remember that time she swat a fly away from her and than started crying because she hurt it and was saying how the fly family would be devastated" remised Lucius to his father who smiled lightly, his goddaughter has a pure heart.

" she looks like a little puppy" Tom mused, not realising that the girl is worming her way through his heart. Her and Tom will have like a father daughter relationship as Clara biological father is shit.

" here I ordered you a Oreo milkshake and your curly fries are coming" Caroline tells her when her little sister sits next to her, passing her a Oreo milkshake. Clara smiled at her thankfully sipping her milkshake.

Caroline,Bonnie and Clara were talking about the new boy, well more like Caroline was telling them everything she found out about him while the boys got bored and went to play pool.

" we are playing a June wedding". Caroline told the girls, planning out her and Stefan future wedding making Bonnie and Clara look at her amused.

James frowned not liking the idea of her marrying someone other than him, he frowned even more about his jealousy. He likes lily. Not this girl. But why does he feel like committing a crime at the mere thought of the blonde with some else ?

The girls stop talking when they saw Elena walk into the grill with Stefan, Matt making his way over to his ex and the guy, putting his hurt feeling away and being the bigger person. After Matt introduced himself to Stefan, they headed to the girls table Matt leaving to go back to his game of pool. Caroline immediately grilling him for information while Clara was content just eating her curly fries.

" poor Matt he looks like he still likes her" commented Dorcas feeling sorry for the boy.

" so, you were born in mystic fall ?" Caroline asks Stefan curiously.

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