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You were in your room thinking. Thinking about what happened years ago to now. Wilbur.. a simping, obsessed, lover, freak. "What am I going to do...?" You say to myself but then you heard a thud out side your room. You go out to see and you find a man with brown hair brownish, greyish jacket, and black pants, and brown boots. "Who the hell are you!" You say as the man looked at you. "Whoa! Whoa! Y/N it's me! It's me Dream!" Dream said putting his hands up. Your faced, went into shock. You didn't recognise him. "Dream!?"


"So you're saying is that thing that let me escape three years ago was in the QSMP to?" He nodded as you rub your temple. "I don't get it why would he still have it?" You ask. "Well the only way I found it. It was because of Wilbur looks like he needs to use it to get to your world." He said and what he said next made you happy. "And when I was looking around QSMP I went into his house and found Ian and F/N." You grab his shoulders. "We need to get them!" You say. "Here's the thing I can't go back." He then explained he can only use it once to get out. "You idiot so I have to do this all alone?" He nodded and shook his head.

"Well I know this would happen, so I messed with one of the others. Uhh... Quackity!" You face went in the frowned. "Him really?" You crossed your arms. "Wilbur trust him the most. So deal with it!" You huff nodding. Once that was out of the way you let him to stay with you. He didn't really understand a lot of stuff from your reality he didn't really know technology stuff, and you had to teach him. "Soo what is this big rectangular black box?" He asked pointing to the TV. "That is a TV it's we're we watch the news or shows." You say grabbing the remote and turning on the TV.

"What the fuck- Ow!" He rub his head look at you. "Language!" You say. "Now you're acting like Bad!" You chuckle rolling your eyes. "Yeah yeah!" You turn off the TV. "Ok follow me. We gotta get you some clothes since there's of the only pay you're wearing right now." You said grabbing your keys as you two went out. "Ok what the..." Dream said looking around when you guys walked outside. "What speechless?" You say and he nodded as the both of you go to your car and Dream copied you getting into the passenger seat.

"Put your seatbelt on." You say showing him how to do the seatbelt. Once he did that you start the car driver as it looks like Dream was having multiple panic attacks, making you laugh. "Jeez calm we are just leaving the driveway and you're already panicking!" He looked the other way as you drove off. It's not comfortable you put on the radio. They had some nice music. "Wow.." He was looking out the window. "Yeah." Once you got to were you two needed to be you and Dream got out of that car and went inside. "This place is big!" You chuckle as he stayed by you side.


F/D/F: favourite dinner food

It had been an hours looking at clothes for Dream. "Ok that all we can go!" You say holding two bags as Dream had one. "You know you didn't need to do this." You shook your head going to your car putting the bags in the back. And the two of youwent back to your apartment. Once you got in your apartment you told him to change into the new clothes, you bought him. When he came out, he was wearing a green jacket, a blue shirt and dark blue pants. "how do I look?" He asked you. "Ho- good! you look good!" You say and Dream smiled.

"It's 5:23 I'll start making dinner will you relax on the couch and watch TV." He nodded as you give the remote to him telling him how to use it before going to the kitchen to start cooking. You were make (F/D/F) and you were hoping he liked it. "Hey Y/N what is that delicious smell?" Dream asked coming into the kitchen. "Just (F/D/F)!" He nodded watching you cook. Once you were done. You put the food on the table and you two started to eat. "Wow this is good!" You smile as he was eating like it was his last meal. "Calm down, it's not going anywhere!"

Once you were done you did the dishes and then got the couch set up for Dream. "Sorry that I don't have another room." He just shut his head, smiling. "It ok. This his is all I need." You nodded and you went to you room changing into some sleeping clothes and went to bed.

I don't know what I should do to make a good ending what should be?

𝕄𝕪 𝕡𝕚𝕩𝕖𝕝 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 | 2 | 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚋𝚞𝚛 x 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now