"My name is Hashigaki, and I’m the captain of the archery club. I think there are a lot of students who find it old-fashioned and simple, but it is a really fun and fulfilling sport. We give all new students a warm welcome, so if you’re interested, please join." A girl wearing archer clothes said at the stage.

"Not gonna say anything about it?" Horikita asked Ayanokoji as she looked at him.

"And what? Have the two of you gang up on me again? No thanks, I'm fine." Ayanokoji said with his usual face.

Huh, I thought he would be more persistent and keep on talking.

I looked at the stage where the other representatives were giving their introductions and were trying to get more members.

"Tsu… !" Suddenly Horikita tensed up as she looked at the stage.

I looked at her and saw her face turning pale. A smile appeared on my face as I turned to look at the stage.

"What’s wrong?" Ayanokoji asked her as he noticed her state.

Even though he asked that she didn't say anything and kept her eyes on the stage. He looked at the stage and at the baseball club representative and glanced at Horikita.

Was the thinking that she has fallen in love with that guy in first sight? Though I guess it isn't far fetched but her pale face doesn't denote any sort of feelings like that.

"Horikita, what's wrong?" Ayanokoji asked again to which she stayed silent.

I guess he realised that she won't answer him and so he looked at the stage.

I looked at the stage and at the faces of the club representatives and supervisors. The club representatives, and not to mention the supervising teacher, continued their explanations with displeased looks. They are quite frantic to get as many new members as possible.

After some time, all the introductions about the clubs were done as the representatives got off the stage. After the representatives got off, only one person remained, that person gained the attention of the rest of the students in the gym.

The person is about 170cm in height, a  slender body, sleek black hair, sharp glasses, and a calculating gaze. He is standing in front of the microphone as he looked at the first year students in the gym with a calm look.

And finally, there was no doubting it. He is Horikita's big brother. Same black hair, eyes and the same look. And Horikita's reaction confirms it as well. I had seen her looking at him as he was giving a welcoming speech to us, and though it was only a hypothesis it turned out to be true.

The senpai didn't say anything and kept his calm gaze. The students started to encourage him and some made fun of him but he didn't falter in the slightest. Soon, it gave way to confusion as the senpai didn't say anything and just kept his gaze on the students. I saw Horikita looking at him with an intense gaze as well.

And soon enough the students in the gym quieted down until no one said a single word as they looked at the senpai. The pace is so silent that you could hear a pin drop easily. And the fact that he was able to quiet down a gym full of first years students with his gaze alone speaks volumes of his ability.

Heh, there's no doubt about it. He is a natural born leader. To have the same face in front of so many people without any change of expression and to have the ability to make them quiet with just his gaze. Only a person with great leadership qualities would be able to do this.

"My name is Horikita Manabu, and I am the student council president." The senpai said as he introduced himself.

And there it is. All the proof I needed to be certain that he is her brother. I glanced at Ayanokoji who is looking at Horikita as the girl has her gaze on the president. And the fact that he's the student council president is enough to tell others that he has great skills.

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