Chapter - 12

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Taking a deep breath, Jungkook spoke up, his voice firm and unwavering. "I need to speak with Y/N," he announced, his eyes locking with Jimin's in a silent challenge.

Jimin tensed at Jungkook's declaration, his jaw clenched with barely contained frustration. "She's not here," he replied tersely, his tone dripping with hostility.

Without another word, Jungkook stood up, grabbed his coat, and left the dinner table. He drove straight to her house, his heart pounding with anxiety. Praying silently, he pulled over when he saw her car parked in front of an old park. He quickly got out and ran towards it. Inside the park, he found her sitting on a bench, tears streaming down her face.

His heart clenched at the sight, and he approached her quietly, sitting down beside her without saying a word. When she sensed his presence and turned to look at him, she stood up immediately. He reached out and firmly took her hand, stopping her in her tracks. She paused but did not look back.

"I am sorry," he said, his voice filled with regret. She stayed quiet, her silence more painful than any words.

"I am sorry, Y/N," he repeated, more desperately this time.

"No need," she replied harshly, pulling her hand from his grip and walking towards her car. She stopped abruptly when he hugged her from behind. Her tears, held back for so long, began to fall freely.

"Will you give me a chance to explain myself?" he pleaded. She remained silent. He gently turned her around, wiping the tears from her eyes.

He held her face firmly, his thumb stroking her cheek. "Please," he begged. She looked up into his eyes, seeing the guilt and desperation shining there. Their eyes locked, and their hearts beat faster.


"I gave you a chance just because I didn't want to be unfair. Don't expect anything more," she said while sitting on the couch across from him. He took a deep breath and began to speak.

"It is true that Mira is my daughter, my own blood, and it is true that I married Noona, but the thing is, I only married her because of Mira." He paused, gathering his thoughts.

"Noona was married to my hyung, and due to his infertility, they couldn't have children. My mother suggested I donate my sperm to them because she wanted the future child to be of our own blood. I tried to convince her otherwise, but she wouldn't listen. Through IVF, Noona got pregnant, and Hyung distanced himself from her."

"Hyung suffered from depression, and Noona always thought it was because of the child she was carrying. One stormy night, Hyung left the house. When Noona found out, she tried to stop him, but he pushed her, causing her to give birth prematurely and fall into a coma. Hyung blamed himself and committed suicide."

"Noona always blamed Mira for everything and tried to kill her several times. My mother suggested I marry Noona to help her cope, but it didn't work. Noona tried to kill Mira again, and we had to send her to a mental asylum."

"What I did was to save Mira. Her life has been so unfortunate, and I just wanted the best for her. Even now, Noona tries to harm her. I can't get custody of Mira because I'm just a donor. The only way to keep her close was to accept Aiera Noona as my wife." He took a deep breath. Y/N looked down at her toes, searching for the right words.

"I know I did wrong by you. I know I hurt you and used you, but the only person I've ever truly loved is you," he said, his voice breaking. She looked up, biting her lip to control her tears. "Mira loves you, and so do I. You are the one I want to spend my entire life with, but unfortunately, I can't." He looked down, defeated.

She stood up and sat beside him, taking his hands in hers. He looked at her, hope flickering in his eyes.

"Thank you for telling me this. Thank you for trusting me. But I can't live without you. I can't live without Mira," she said softly.

Jungkook's eyes widened slightly at her words, a mix of surprise and hope lighting up his face. He tightened his grip on her hands, as if fearing she might slip away.

"Y/N," he began, his voice trembling, "I never wanted to hurt you. I thought I was protecting everyone, but I ended up causing more pain."

She nodded, understanding the weight of his burden. "I know. But Jungkook, We can live together and build the safest home for Mira."

Jungkook's eyes searched hers, looking for the forgiveness he so desperately needed. "Do you think... do you think we can do that?"

Slowly, she nodded. "Okay. But we need to take things slow. We need to rebuild what was broken."

He smiled, a small but genuine smile, and for the first time in a long time, he felt a flicker of hope. "I'll do whatever it takes. Just having you by my side again gives me strength."

Y/N squeezed his hands gently"but How do we protect her?"

Jungkook's expression grew serious. "We'll need to find a way to keep her safe. Maybe we can look into legal options, or even move somewhere new, where Noona can't find us."

She nodded thoughtfully. "We need to give her a stable, loving home. She's been through too much already."

He sighed, his eyes softening. "You're right. Mira deserves to grow up in a place where she feels safe and loved."

There was a moment of silence as they both reflected on the road ahead. It wouldn't be easy, but they had each other, and that was a start.

"Thank you, Y/N," Jungkook said quietly. "For giving me another chance. For believing in me, even after everything."

She smiled faintly. "I never stopped believing in you. I just needed to hear the truth."

He leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers, their breaths mingling in the small space between them. "I'll never take you for granted again. I promise."

She closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of his promise. "We'll get through this together."

As they sat there, holding onto each other, the weight of their past began to lift, replaced by a fragile but growing hope for their future.

Several days later

"I found a way to get the Custody," Jungkook said coming inside the home of Y/N but stop his track when he saw Aiera standing there, smiling sarcastically. "Welcome home ... Dear Hubby!"

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