Chapter 14: The final countdown

Start from the beginning

Don't need a telescope to tell you why,

Light will shine through it all~

First, we need you to fall."

"Hop on!" One yelled, and the rest crew hopped on the giant floating Mario head, and they were off.

The sorceress turned around and let out a snarl. Letting out her own fresh beats.

"You think someone the likes on you can scare me?

Sweety, your power can be compared to a honeybee!"

Peach threw her frying pan at the sorceress, hitting her square in the face.

"The same thing could be said about you, witch!"

Bob got his guns. "ThAt'S PuTtInG iT LiGhTy, YoU'rE a BiTcH!"

ADD cracked his knuckles. "Seems like this fight will go down without a hitch."

Back on the ground, Enzo looked up at the sky, watching the fight. When suddenly he heard Three let out a sob.

"I'm sorry." Three said, he curled up even more. "Please just stop, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please just stop-*****"

Enzo felt his anger rise in him. He should have known, what a fool Enzo was. He picked up Three and started climbing his way to the second floor.

Back with the crew in the sky, the sorceress had blocked shots coming from Shroomy, X and Meggy.

The sorceress let out a growl.

"You think this is all fun and games?

You have nothing but yourselves but to blame,

You caused my kingdom to crack,

And now you'll feel my wrath!"

The sorceress lifted up her hand and summoned shadowy looking spaghetti monsters and YouTube buttons.

Shroomy, Sakio, and Meggy took care of the YouTube buttons. While Fm, X, and Mario took care of the spaghetti monsters.

Bowser huffed.

"Your kingdom? Please,

You're just as a convincing ruler as a piece of CHESEE!" As he said the last word, he shot out a fireball.

The sorceress dodged out of the way and the fireball hit the invisible shield around Four's body.

"You fools are too late!

Now you'll suffer your deadly fate!

Can't you see I've already won!

Now you'll see the great divine one!!!" The sorceress suddenly felt a sharp pain through her body. She looked down to see on the ground that her crystal had a knife stuck in it.

It was Enzo, he had made his way up.

Melony pointed her sword right at the sorceress's throat.

"It's over!

Can't you see?

Your dreams are nightmares in reality!"

The sorceress knocked Melony into the side of the castle wall.

"You think you're clever with your plight?

You think you can win with your precious light?

I am the queen of darkness!

It's time to say GOODNIGHT!!!"

The sorceress casted out a beam of pure energy from the crystal, aiming it straight towards the gang.

Birdy finally broke free from Minion's grasp and flew straight into the beam!

But, instead of a dead bird in the middle of the beam was a figure. He was finally free from that form.

What once was Birdy, was a man with flaming orange hair, he wore a red bandana around his neck, his shirt was orange with pastel orange, green, and purple sleeves, his pants were a darker green, he had on brown boots, but most bizarrely, gold wings were attached to the man's back. Piercing yellow eyes looked at the sorceress in anger.

The sorceress looked scared. The man cracked his neck. He was pissed.

"Bitch please, queen of darkness?

You're scared of your own shadow,

More like queen of tartness,"

The sorceress fired at the man again, but the beam was blocked by Melony.

Four's body began to glow.

The sorceress smirked.

"You're too late, precious hero!"

Bob shot the sorceress in the chest. "GoDdAmMiT BiTcH YoU'rE WoRsE ThAn ZeR0!"

The sorceress clutched her side. Shadows seemed to surround her.

"You think a bullet can stop me?

I ruled the world for centuries!"

'Birdy' threw three golden feathers at the sorceress, each one cutting her. Blood dripped out of her mouth. He rushed towards her.

"Our story's over!

It has been for a long time!

Stop holding on the past!

Now, it's time for you to die!"

He swiped at the sorceress, with his long claws. Then, it was the other's turn.

Peach threw a thousand punches at the sorceress, ADD, GD, and Fm basically played ping-pong with her body, and Slg4 used his cane to hit her over the top of her head.

The sorceress fell back to the ground, crashing into the crystal breaking it into millions of pieces.

It was over.

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