Chapter 1: Party favor

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Author's note: I would like to once again shoutout Newtstesco for the idea that Enzo runs a party store in Blooperville.


"Alright, I just got a text message from Smg3" Belle looked down at her phone. "He's asking us to bring ice."

Belle, Wimpu, and Rob were out shopping for some last-minute snacks before heading to the showgrounds to have their monthly picnic with the rest of the anti-cast.

"Why ice and not corn?" Rob in typical Rob fashion asked.

"Dude, it's like, hot as balls out today." Belle deadpanned, unamused at his antics.

"Wait!" Wimpu spoke up and pointed down another isle. "I think I just saw Wegee!"

"Really!?" Belle pushed past Wimpu to see. "We haven't seen him while, are you sure that's him?"

"Do you know of any other Wegee dolls?"

"You know what? Point taken." Belle turned to see Wegee walking away, not noticing his friends. "We have to go after him."

The three went after the Wegee doll. When they caught up to him, he was talking to a young girl with long blue hair and a bird sleeping on top of her head.

The girl turned to face the three, letting out a little. "Hm?" She was wearing a yellow apron with a name tag with 'Minion' written on it. "Hello, there!" She smiled brightly, revealing the tooth gap she had. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Wegee!" The doll spoke up.

"Oh, I see now! You're Wegee's friends, aren't you?" Minion held out her hands. "He talks about you dudes all the time!"

The three stood there in silent awe. No one could really understand Wegee except for Melony and now, this girl.

Rob was the first one to snap out of it. "You bet your corn we are!"

"We were just picking up some last-minute snacks when we saw him." Belle explained.

"Oh! Wait! We still need to pick up some ice for the picnic." Wimpu nervously pointed out.

Belle rolled her eyes at that and scoffed. Minion let out a hmmm. "Yeah, I don't think your ice is going to make it without melting. Even if you fast traveled by pipe or car." The blue hair girl bend down and picked up a box. "I recommend getting something like a cooler like this, it really does help."

"Uh, Belle? How much ice are we going to need?" Wimpu asked.

"Hold on. Let me check with Three." Belle whipped out her phone and texted Smg3. Her phone dinged a second later. "A whole butt-load of ice. Uh, yeah. I don't think the cooler is gonna cut it."

"Ah, well, that's okay!" Minion put the cooler back. "I got something better! Follow me." She lead the anti-cast towards a different isle. "It may not have built in cooling features, but a pool will definitely help keep you cooled down."

"That, actually sounds like a good idea." Belle smirked, putting her hands to her hips.

"Would you like to come with us to the picnic?" Rob asked.

Belle was about the scold the scare crow when Minion replied. "Sure! I would love to meet the rest of Wegee's friends!"

With that, they headed to the check out counter. Where a scrawny Mario recolor was talking to Villager from Animal Crossing.

"He doesn't deserve you." The recolor said to him. "If he don't treat you right, your gone."

"I'm gone." Villager repeated.

The recolor darkly smirked. "Now go chop his dick off!"

Villager nodded and wave goodbye. Minion helped put the box containing the pool on the counter. "Hey, Mr. Enzo! I'm going on my lunch break."

Enzo turned, changing his attitude in a second and gave Minion a similar smile the anti-cast has seen Smg3 give to Melony. An almost fatherly smile. "Alright! Just be back in a hour!"

And with that, they paid for their stuff and headed on their way to the showgrounds.


Toad was playing with a bouncy ball boredly. He was still stuck here in the castle inside the demon pit along with Princess Peach. Although, she had been working a way out of here.

Suddenly a crash was heard and a figure in a purple hood with gold trimmings fell down the ceiling.

"Oh, thank God!" Toad cheered. "We're saved!"

The figure turned to him, and started using dark magic on him. He screamed in pain.

Toad's screams gained Peaches attention. "Alright, alright, what's going on here."

The figure turned and snapped her fingers. Dark tendrils started to surround Peach, before she was covered in complete darkness, she heard the figure say something to her.

"Night-night princess." She said in a sweet voice, before letting out an evil laugh.

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