Chapter 8: They can't save you

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Author's note: Choo! Choo! All aboard the pain train!


Smg4 half opened his eyes. 'That's odd.' He thought to himself. 'Why can't I move my arms and legs?' He fully opened his eyes to see that he was stuck to a table with his limbs tied off by chains.

Four let out a panicked yelp and tried to yank the chains off him.

"Don't bother." A woman's voice said. Four looked around to see the princess(?) flipping through the pages of a book, that was floating. By itself. The princess(?) smirked. "I have you tied up for a reason. But I should thank you once again, you are making my dreams come true."

Four felt his anger bubbling inside him. "You tricked me! You're not even a real princess, I bet."

The woman looked down to see was still wearing the lilac dress. "Ah, I knew I forgot something..." She said flatly before snapping her fingers.

She poofed back into her regular outfit. A dark indigo dress that had torn edges, she had black gloves and was wearing black stiletto heels.

Four's eyes widen in recognition. "Y-you're the one who tried into E. Gadd's lab, you're the one who tried to summon a god using my boyfriend's brothers' dead body, You're the one who tried to kill me!"

The woman laughed. "Ahh, poor little meme guardian almost died." She said in a weird baby voice. Before she snapped back with a deadpanned look. "Honestly, that's what your mad about? Then I guess I hypnotized a bunch people that looked like your avatar for no reason then."

Four felt a chill running threw his entire body. "W-what?" He whispered. No, she couldn't have. 'How many did she have? Did she also have Three?'

"Yes, I'm sure they were your friends at one point? Although there seemed to be a few missing... but, no matter." The woman scoffed. She circled around Four like he was a piece of prey.

"W-what do you even want with me? What did I ever do you?" Four was still struggling to get out of the chains.

The table turned to face up and the woman growled in Four's face. "You did everything to me. Because of you and your friends, my crystal is broken!"

Four glanced at the nightmare stone, he could see where the pickaxe had broken it.

"Besides." The woman said lowering the table back down. "Soon, everything will be back to its rightful place!"

"My friends will stop you!" Four snapped at her. "They have defeated many evils before, you'll just be another one to add on their list."

The woman smirk didn't fade. "They may and try to stop me. But they can't save you. You going to be too busy helping me."

Four snarled. "You must be crazy to think that I would ever help you!"

The woman let out an evil chuckle. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice." She said in a soft voice, before it turned into a growl. "You already have heard my voice!"

Dark storm clouds floated above the two of them, the woman's eyes glowed a bright purple, all other light in the room seemed to vanish.

Four's eyes began to glow the same bright purple. He screamed in pain. His entire body felt like it was on fire, he could feel tears streaming down his face. It felt like his soul was being ripped out of his body.

And then everything went dark.


The woman, or the sorceress panted. It seemed that took a lot out of her.

The sorceress looked up to see a bright purple light shooting up from the alter with the meme guardian floating in the middle. The most concerning thing to her was the bright light caused to outside sky to change.

"Well... That's not good." She said still out of breath. An idea came to her, she walked up to the crystal, with an evil grin on her face. "Luckily for me. The meme guardian still has plenty of enemies."

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