Chapter 7: Something is very wrong

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Author's note: Me making Three and Four suffer: I feel powerful! I love angst.

Me making Minion suffer: (Anakin Skywalker voice) What have I done?


Smg3 looked at Melony with a worried look. "W-what do you mean?"

Melony showed Smg3 her phone, she had gotten a text from Wegee. It seemed everyone in Blooperville was gone except for his household.

"We need to go there, now!" His voice cracked in anger, balling up his fist Three left the Rv and started heading towards the pipe.

Outside, everyone turned to face the edgy meme man, stopping what they were doing.

"Smg3?" Meggy asked, concerned for him. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to my boyfriend back!" Three jumped into the pipe.

Melony and Mario exited the Rv and went after Three.

"C'mon guys, Three needs our help." Melony motioned the rest of the gang to come with.

"B-but what about the castle?" Boopkins asked.

"I think we're going to put that on hold." Tari sadly said.

"HeY! HuRrY Up BeFoRe SmG3 gOeS AlL TsUnDeRe On uS!" Bob yelled. Tari started heading towards the pipe with Boopkins behind her. 

They, along with the rest of gang entered the pipe and headed towards Blooperville.


The gang hopped out of the pipe into Blooperville. It was covered in sludge and smelled like trash. To say the town felt unnerving was an understatement.

"What- what happen here?" Sakio looked around in horror.

Luigi had covered his face due to the smell being so horrible, Boopkins hid behind Tari's legs. The once bright and cheerful town now felt dark and gloomy.

"Wait, what's that up ahead?" Tari pointed to a penguin wearing an orange poka-dotted shirt, stuck in some of the sludge. Honking for dear life.

"Cube!" Meggy shouted, spirted towards the penguin, helping him get out of the nasty muck. Cube hugged Meggy, shaking, clinging to her as if she would disappear at any minute. "S-Something is wrong. Very wrong. Fm, X they would never leave Cube like this."

The gang heard a voice in the distance. "Yo, dudes!" The gang turned to see Minion waving her hand, calling out to them. "In here!" She was in front of what looks like a party store.

As they entered, some of the gang spoke.

"Oooh, I love parties." Boopkins said with a smile.

"Mario's got a bad feeling about this." Mario started to gain flash backs on a certain crazy re-color.

"Yo! dO YoU ThInK ThIs PlAcE HaS AnY WeEd?" Bob asked.

"Bob, shut the fuck up." Sakio growled.

When they had reached the employees back room, Minion took in a deep breath and tears started out spill out.

Mario appeared out nowhere with tissues. "Hey, don't cry, Mario is here to... to..." Mario felt any thought in his brain disappear. "Okay, Mario has no idea what to do." He said flatly.

Meggy rolled her eyes, along with Three face-palming.

L's big brother mode kicked in. "Hey, can you tell us what happened here?" He asked gently.

Minion sniffled. "I-I-I don't k-know! I woke up a-and saw all this icky weird sludge and I went to find M-Mr. Enzo because he- he wouldn't be affected by t-this, h-he's too smart for that."

"But he wasn't here." Meggy said, still holding on to Cube. The penguin let out a sad honk.

"DuDe, HoW aRe YoU StIlL HeRe?" Bob's voice was gentle, strange for him.

"I-I don't really know..." Minion sat down in one of the chairs. She looked over to Birdy, who was sleeping in Enzo's cap. "All I know is that Birdy was acting weird last night and now today all of this stuff happened."

Shroomy got closer to the sleeping bird. "Hmm, in all my years of being a boy scout, I have never seen a bird like this fella."

"Uh, no offence but what does this bird have to do with anything?" Three's patience was thinning. His thoughts dwelled on finding Four.

"Wegee said that earlier he wasn't in control of himself. I'm not sure how, but Birdy snapped him out of it." Minion gently petted Birdy his sleep. He let out a huff, before opening his eyes.

Suddenly, the outside glowed a bright purple.

"OH, COME ON! WHAT NOW!?!" Three ran outside to see what the commotion was about.

The rest of the gang stood there for a moment, wondering what just happened.

"I don't think I have ever seen him act like that." Slg4 rasped out.

"We should go after him, before he does something to hurt himself." Meggy said barely above a whisper.

They found Three outside looking up at the sky, they did the same. All of their eyes budged out in fear.

"Sweet merciful crap!" Mario said, and Luigi hugged him in fear.

"BrUh C'mOn! It'S NoT EvEn SaTuRdAy!" Bob's eyes turned red to show his anger.

The sky was a dark purple and in the far distance was a bright purple light reaching up past the sky and into space.

And then, chaos broke lose across the entire Mushroom Kingdom.

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