Chapter 14: The final countdown

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Author's note: I said! Whose. Here. For. The. CHAOS!?!


"Three..." Four looked at the crystal. Three was curled up into a ball on the floor, silently crying to himself.

Three managed to save Mario from the sorceress's control.

But at what cost?


On the other side of the door, Minion finally caught up to her pet bird. She clutched on to him. Minion let out exhausted breathes.

"Birdy... what... were... You... thinking?" She scolded between breaths.

"CoMiNg ThRoUgH!"

Minion turned around to see Bob carrying a screaming Toad, ready to use him as a battering ram. Minion stepped out of the way of the door. She saw the rest of the crew making their way up. 

That's when she noticed someone missing. "Where's Mr. Enzo?"

"He stayed behind to keep an eye on Smg3." Meggy explained.

Bob and Peach broke through the door, and everyone entered in, ready to stop this chaos.

The sorceress had her back turned to the group, floating off the ground and facing Four's lifeless body that was in the middle of the beacon. Her hair was sporadic, her hands glowed purple and she was chanting in a language no one could understand.

Suddenly a bullet went through her right hand. She cried out in pain. The sorceress turned to face the source of the bullet. Her eyes glowing with anger.

It was Shroomy, he reloaded his shot gun. "Ah, gee. I was aiming for the head."

"Hello, motherfucker." Mario said. He was in the middle of the very pissed off group.

"How?... How did you get up here?" The sorceress snarled.

Four looked on in pride at his friends. He knew they would come.

"You don't mess with Mario's ship!" The plumber pointed at the sorceress. "Especially the one he worked very hard for!"

The sorceress had a confused look on her face. "What?" The rest of the group deadpanned.

Four face palmed, behind him he could hear Niles snicker. 'Of course. He's been spending way too much time with Boopkins.'

"Let our friend, Smg4 go now." Meggy said, holding up her splattershot. "Or else you give us no choice. But to, kick. Your. Ass."

Bob held up his hand blades, Shroomy his shotgun, Sakio her hammer, Melony with her helix sword, Bowser was building up fire in his mouth, Peach brought out a frying pan, X got out a shotgun of his own, Fm had his taser, and Minion looked down disappointed.

"Ah, man. I still don't have a cool weapon." Birdy tried getting out of her tight grip, but it was no use.

The sorceress let out an evil chuckle. "You think you can stop me?" She had a smirk on her face. "Well, then. Try and stop this!"

The ground around the crew began to shake. The sorceress flew up closer to where the beacon light was heading, with Four's body.

With the help of Smg1 and Smg2, they poured their meme energy into Mario, turning the plumber into giant head Mario. The citizens of Blooperville, minus Minion were in awe of the power of memes.

Melony turned into her deity form once again, flying after the sorceress. And then, she began to sing.

"Darkness surrounds the sky,

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