Chapter 3: Getting back the last piece

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Author's note: Welp, time for me to get in my bunker because I know y'all are gonna come after me with pitchforks for this chapter.


Back at Dr. E. Gadd's lab, the scientist himself was talking to the police. The mysterious figure had broken in again but was foiled the scientist.

"This was the second time this has happened." He explained to Hal monitor. E. Gadd pointed over to Fm. "He was there for the first time this screw-lose broke in."

"Ah, yes, I remember." Hal's computer voice hummed. "Don't they know that punching a cop is a criminal offence!?"

In the distance, the hooded figure watched the scene play out in front of her. It was easy to see two police officers inside the lab as the hole in the wall she created was still there. 

Now, it was time to get back what was hers.

In a puff of smoke, the hooded figure made her presence know. All three heads turned around. She quickly grabbed the crystal from the broken tank and ran.

"Hey!" A robotic voice yelled out. "Stealing is illegal!"

Underneath the hood, the woman rolled her eyes at his absurdity. 'He cannot be serious."

"Get that mother fucker!" The blonde officer called out.

Perfect, the chase was on.

She led the two officers into the woods, leading them down to a split path.

Using her magic, she copied herself and one of each went down each path.

The two officers stopped. "Oh, c'mon!" Fm growled out. "You take one path and I'll take the other."

Hal nodded and went down to the path on the right, Fm ran down the one on the left.

He could see the hooded figure up ahead. He leaped to grab the figure, only to miss, and fall right into her trap. He fell through the ground, landing on his stomach. Fm groaned in pain.

"Fuck." He whispered to himself. Suddenly he felt something touched his leg. He looked down to see a dark tendril wrapping around it.

Fm grabbed the tendril to get it off but, the thing stuck to him like glue. More and more tendrils began to surround him. He felt dizzy, his vision fading.

"X, Cube, I'm sorry. I love you." Darkness completely took over him.


E. Gadd heard footsteps coming from behind him.

He turned around to see Fm brushing himself off.

"Well, they got away. Again." Fm sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Where is the other officer?" E. Gadd asked Fm.

"Hm? Oh, he's still probably trying to find the criminal." Fm waved off.

But that wasn't true. Hal had fallen into his own trap, now stuck there.

"Look, I have an idea." Fm spoke once again. "I can take the book back with me to the station. It will be much safer there then here."

"Great idea!" E. Gadd zoomed over with the book. "I'm glad it's in safe hands."

"Yep! I better get this back before they show up again." Fm turned around. For a split second his eyes shined purple.

Finally, she had her spell book back.

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