Snippet #1: My Saviour, My Hero

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This story revolves around the battle with Uzi-San. As you all would know by now, Chat Noir abandoned Ladybug during the akuma battle- this snippet, the first of more, will tell you what he did (as I cannot fit it into a chapter). Most of the snippets will be about our dear Chat, because the main story is from a 'third person' Marinette POV.

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Chat Noir was.. fed up to say the least.

First up, Milady was being aloof. Yes, he might have neglected her just a teeny bit! Yes, he may have left her to fight some villains alone! But she could take care of it! Why did she not talk to him anymore! He had a lot of bottled up emotions in him, and seriously. He couldn't be in hero mode all the time, he deserved some time to himself.

Actually, to correct, not to himself.

With Lila.

When he saw her and Alya near the battle scene, the blogger frantically filming, he immediately went into protective mode. Seriously though, Ladybug was a damn hero! She can take care of herself when fighting- but when faced with a full blown heroine, who can take care of herself no matter what others say, and an innocent high schooler, who had no experience of fighting whatsoever, and whom is also your girlfriend, who the hell do you save? 

Plus, you know, the fact that Lila had invited Adrien on a date earlier might have influenced his decision.

He swept after the two girls.

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'Hey, guys!' he yelled as he poled towards them. He really couldn't think of a better word. Flying wasn't accurate, and 'sticking a big stick into the ground' was, frankly, too long. 'Sticking' itself also wasn't helpful. 'You girls shouldn't be here, you'd be shredded into kitty litter before you know it. Ladybug should defeat the akuma soon, I'm here to help you guys.' Alya looked at him once, then turned away, continuing to record. Lila shook her head, giving the black-suited hero an quick, awkward glance. 'Oh come on, we're safe here. He's focused on Ladybug.' The blogger grinned. 'I know, right! This battle is epic, girl! Ladybug keeps dodging though, that's annoying, she's supposed to be fighting right- Wait, where's Ladybug-' Alya quickly signed off the video with a flourish, put down her phone and craned around, looking for the heroine. 

Chat Noir looked at the battle scene. There was rubble everywhere, and- wait, was that blood? He stared at the red-stained ground. Nah, that's probably just the villain. He turned around again. 

All of a sudden, he felt eyes on him. What?  He turned around. The akuma was nowhere to be seen... 

That was when Alya got hit by a projectile. She morphed into a floating ball of energy, which promptly zoomed away. 'AHH! WHAT THE F-' Lila screeched. Then, bullets started to be fired. Lila only managed to not get hit by pure terror and adrenaline, not to mention the fact that she was literally using the hero as a shield. Said hero was using his staff to stop the bullets, but that wasn't going to last. She latched onto Chat's arm, screaming 'GET ME OUT OF HERE' multiple times at the top of her lungs, really putting off his concentration. And that was a understatement. It's safe to say, Chat Noir was relying on Ladybug- again- to use her lucky charm and heal his shattered eardrums- and his banged-up weapon.

He unlatched the girl from his arms, picked her up bridal-style, and leaped over the building, stewing with anger at his partner for just disappearing like that.

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He set Lila down on an street near her home. It was abandoned due to the akuma alert. Lila, as soon as she touched the ground, immediately ran over to Chat. 'MY SAVIOUR MY HERO OH MY LORDY LORD YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING etc etc'. 

At least, that's what he wished would happen. Instead, the girl simply brushed off her clothes and glared at him, completely ungrateful. 'Why didn't you get us out quicker? You should have got us out as soon as you came! What the hell! IT'S YOUR FAULT ALYA'S GONE!'

She seemed to have forgotten the fact that she had wanted to stay, and, in doing so, pretty much ensured her companion's doom.

'Cool, Lila. I'm sorry, just, I need to go.' he said, leaving the girl alone.


He poled away.

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He went home, already fuming. Ladybug should have already defeated the hero, like what the hell! It wasn't his fault! There were people in danger. He would have a long talk with Ladybug after this. Just right then, he got a text on his Catphone. 

Chat Noir, meet up at the Eiffel Tower at 8 tonight. I have something to do, but you need to come. It is very important.


He stared at it.

Alright, Ladybug- but we need to hurry. I have something important to do.


Nice, he thought.

'Plagg, claws in.'

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Of course, we all know by now his Miraculous was stripped...

I will try to upload once every week or so, and notify you guys if I don't on my account noticeboard. I will also update every chapter so far with a word count. Help me get to ten followers please  (ಥ_ಥ) 

Bye guys! ヾ(•ω•')o

887 words

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