Worse And Worse

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That was not the last day Marinette would be beaten- far from it. The delicate web of lies spun by Lila Rossi was like fairy floss- sweet and sugary, and sticky- much like her own half-truths. However, fairy floss is pure sugar, all air, and barely real- again, much like Lila's deceptions.

Lila seemed to be getting more and more creative with her fabrications. This was sarcastically surprising for Marinette and her friends, who knew from the work Marinette did as class president that Lila only got A's in English due to a biased and gullible teacher.

During a video chat with her friends, Kagami noticed that Marinette herself seemed downtrodden and much more quieter, as if she was planning something. "Marinette. What are you doing. If you are contemplating.. that person.."

She did not finish that sentence. The end was obvious enough.

"Do not think of that despicable excuse of a girl, much less a human. In fact, do not think of them at all, Marinette.. We are always here for you."

Marinette smiled weakly. 

"Not in person, but at least you are still here. Chloe was forced to leave early as she was going to meet her mother, and Luka has guitar practice with Jagged. Thankfully, your mother understands the situation and gave us more time. I cannot say the same for my own- perhaps she, and in turn my father, do understand, but not with my perceptive. With a warped one, so to say." 

Kagami smiled.

"Alright Mari. Sayonara."


Marinette closed the laptop, shutting off the only source of light in the already darkened room. She had a patrol with Chat Noir next, and didn't know if she was looking forward to this. Lately, Chat had been distant. When she had asked, he simply said, 'Ladybug, now is not the time.'

Granted, they had been battling an akuma, but his words still stung. After the battle, she asked him to stay behind, but he left without even a glance. After that, their relationship had been rocky. And the akumatized victims had been getting tougher. To be honest, they were not good. Marinette had already lost ten dollars on soothing balm that did work, but cost quite a bit. Chat himself definitely wasn't aiding. Sometimes when he was fighting, he saw some 'friends' and went to aid them, even if said friends weren't in danger, and especially if Ladybug was fighting.

Epecially if Ladybug was fighting.

 This led to her fighting by herself, and when her 'kitty' walked out on a fierce fight with an akumatized couple, she broke more then just a few bones. No, her trust in him shattered, not that he knew.

She was even considering retrieving his Miraculous...

No, she couldn't do that. Yet, anyway. She'd give him a chance. But who would she give it to?

She called for Tikki. Lately the kwami had been agitated and worried, so Marinette made her a little corner of the room for her, complete with cookies (secretly cooked in the middle of the night) and a small blanket as when Tikki slept with her owner, she felt.. frustrated. Angry. Isolated. 

And all this was from her own holder.

For Tikki's own state of mind, she had to sleep separately.

She barely knew why she was thinking of this anyway.

'Tikki.. Spots on..'

Transforming into Ladybug, she leaped out the rooftop balcony, ready to aid Paris once again- a role she never asked for, but got anyway.

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She leaped across Paris. Ordinarily, the thrill of the wind and the rush of wind would be enough to make her smile, to chuckle as she soared across the skies. But it was not ordinary. And so Ladybug landed with a stony face next to her partner Chat Noir. Today, he was grim. 'I saw an akuma over on Marseilles-Lyon Avenue over there,' he said, pointing in a vague direction. 'Over there', it seemed, several puffs of smoke, yells and screams where heard. An apartment complex collapsed, several civilians running away, only to be shot down and absorbed by the evilized's gun. Even from the Eiffel Tower, the yell of the villain was easily heard.

'Let's go.'

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'I am Uzi-san! Let me hunt down those who have betrayed me!' The akuma growled. He had a distinct Japanese look, and curly hair with hunting sunglasses. He was wearing a skin-tight suit, and layered on top was a hunting jacket with jeans and boots. A denim backpack was slung across his shoulder, and he would have looked completely ordinary had he not been holding a huge black-and-army-green rifle. It glowed with unseen power and was occasionally shot at innocents, turning them into balls of yellow light that was quickly assimilated into the gun, used seemingly as fuel.

'Ladybug and Chat Noir!.. Give me your Miraculous!'

'No can do... Milady. Let's go.'

They dove into the thick of battle. Chat Noir himself was not feeling at best, he had noticed some high school students nearby. One was filming the whole thing, the other looked frustrated and was pulling at the.. blogger. He shook his head. 

'You take care of him. I'll protect the students.' Chat Noir sped away, leaving Ladybug alone to deal with Uzi-san. She struggled against him, slowly being overpowered. Uzi-san's had both ranged and melee fields covered. Eventually, she was too tired to continue. She was about to leave when she saw it. He was looking for 'bullets', more people to use as artillery fuel, holding a spear in his other hand. She ran for him, but he saw her and effortlessly dodged the attack. 

'Ha, your attempts are futile compared to my superior skill!' He swung his spear, which Ladybug dodged. She didn't dodge the next one though. It slammed into her gut, and Ladybug didn't feel like a hero, but Marinette. A bullied girl with no hope.. She stopped fighting, and got hit again. 

Lila.. She thought.

She got hit one more time. 'Chat Noir!' she screamed desperately. 

He didn't come. Actually, he was nowhere in sight.

The akuma, for one moment, felt sympathy. He looked at the broken bug and sighed. 'I know how you feel. I was also betrayed..' He shut his eyes. 



'I said GO! I am, after all, a hunter.' He grinned. 'Let's make this fun. Go hide. Run, find your kitty. After ten seconds, I will come for you, and when I catch you, give me your Miraculous.'

She was stunned. An akumatized victim, on Shadow Moth's side, aiding her? Compared to her partner, whom she had desperately needed but left her? Her mind reeling, she stumbled away and hid in an alley.

'Spots off..'

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1092 words- wow!

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