Failed father

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Hugo POV

I was getting out the bullhead, I look around because its my first time at Vale, my daughter, Zara was wanted to watch the Vytal Festival with me.

How could I reject, I decided to go around shopping. It been so long since I seen her, I hardly know if she's would still like a doll, or if she would love chocolate still.

I walk inside the chocolate store. "Goodmorning sir, please take your time" The manager said. I look at their wares, noticing all kinds of chocolate. Though I haven't seen her for a semester, while she was studing in beacon.

"Fuck it, give me a variety chocolate box, pleaae" I ask, she walk to the back and grab the box, than she just stood there. I look at her confuse " Lien please" the cashier ask. I go into my wallet and pull out some lien, I give it to her than she smile. "Thanks you, Please return" The Cashier said, I nod.

I walk out the chocolate store, I look up, there it is beacon. The school my daughter is going to, Beacon. I walk toward my next bullhead, excited and worried. I couldn't get my mind off the fact even though I had talk to her on the scroll while her time in beacon still been so long. And yet I know she would still be the same girl.

I walk toward the bullhead but notice something strange, a group of faunus. Something you don't notice, maybe they are going to the Tournament as well. I decide take my mind off them, think about daughter.

I walk past the faunus group, he has red hair, a horn as well. Though this uneasy feeling start springing the farther I walk away from him. Though all that matters now is Zara

Adam POV

I walk the old geezer, a no-one. I could kill him right then and there but than I wouldn't have the element of suprise. He will die soon, they will all die.

I walk to the location I am given, Cinder greets me. "Adam, finally. Let's get stared." She said calmly. I walk toward her, I notice Emeral and Mercury next to her.

"Cinder, lets do this already. I'm getting restless" I said unpatently. "Easy now, Its only a matter of time Adam. Soon Beacon will fall, with everyone in it." She said

Mercury scoff. "Yeah, why not now I'm tired of waiting, hell what are we waiting for!" He yells Mercury walks toward him, she gets closer and closer to him. He backs away to the point where he bump to the wall.

"Do you doubt me Mercury" Cinder ask, he shakes his head. She smiles and walks away. "Gets your men ready Adam, the battle between Penny and Pyrra will be the time I invoke fear. At that time you will bring the grim, and you will rain hell on the people of Beacon" Cinder said

"How would yoh know its Penny and Pyrra..." I ask "Its them, I did interfere with the deviceI chuckles, the men around me as well. We have gone over how we would attack beacon. The one thing that gave people hope.

Hugo POV

Moments later

I get off the Bullhead, I look around hoping to find my daughter. For a few moments I couldn't find her.... I notice her finally looking around. For me, she looks worried, worried that I had forgotten to get in.

I walk over to her, "Zara!". Zara looks over toward me, she smiles and rushes to my arm. "DADDY! Finally you took way to long" she said, exciting

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