Part 2

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"Yesterday was good, and the shoots we did were better, but boys." The producer's voice falters as her eyes land on the metre split boys. Air fills the gap between them, yet Dream wishes it were a cement wall. "You're supposed to be in love! All lovey-dovey and clinging onto each other! We're reshooting the kiss before lunch, if it's not perfect by then we'll have to deal with it and pick out the best look." Nods flood around the room, occasional whispers being passed around through ears as people find their respective spots.

"That's your fault." George grumbles, pushing his elbow into Dream as they start to walk. "You're the one with a ping-pong ball in his tongue." Dream huffs back, sticking his arm into George's side when he doesn't automatically turn when Dream wants him to. "I mean, seriously, it's like trying to makeout with a gay magician." The joke didn't pass with George, earning Dream a glare and a scoff. "I'd take the criticism, if it wasn't from a man who can't dress." Tanned shoulders shrug as George moves. Dream huffs in annoyance, wanting to push George but fighting against it. "It was one fucking time, you devil-worshipping homophobe."

The intended insult makes George laugh, a deep giggle bubbling out of his lungs as he turns to face Dream in the middle of the set. "Why would I hate something I am? I'd take dick - happily - any day of the week, thank you very much." A suggestive smirk turns up onto George's lips and if Dream thought hard enough into it, he would've noticed the hint hidden between the passing words.

"That's not saying much seeing as you open your legs for anyone and everyone." Dream scoffs, looking George up and down in a way to judge his body. It makes George take a step back, his own eyes scanning his body in a weak attempt to find a flaw. He quickly collects himself, shooting back a comment as the lady with the clapperboard makes her appearance. "Don't think I want to fucking kiss you." George spits, eyes slitting as he glares daggers into Dream's eyes. "Quitting is free." He whispers back, letting the loud snap from the clapperboard finish their words and snap them into character.

George already wants to leave, rising onto the tip of his toes to let Dream slouch down and connect their lips. "Action!" Tanned fingers slip through ginger curls, running through and around the waves as though they had already mapped out the head of hair. Dream leans forward slightly, bending George's back and forcing his tongue into his mouth to fight against the piercing and minty teeth. George's fingers massage into the back of Dream's scalp, the feeling of hair on his palms and lips against his own. George feels a bubble rising in his throat, ready to pop when given the chance.

He makes a noise, the bubble in his throat popping and vibrating a noise much like a moan into Dream's mouth. It wasn't a noise of enjoyment, though, it was disgust. A grunt, a gag, even. Dream pushes George away from him, a scowl pressed against his plumped lips. "The fuck?"

The producer yells cut, and just like that the boys start running sleeves and uncovered skin over their lips. George is wiping his face before he can get a single word out, scrubbing the skin with enough force to break layers.

"What happened? George, are you okay?" The producer looks slightly worried, maybe annoyed that they had messed up yet another take. She reaches out a hand between their large distance and George nods, turning his back to the crew to mumble about how disgusting Dream is under his breath. He shoots daggers out of the corner of his eyes, gratefully taking a bottle of water when it's handed to him.

"I don't want to be doing this as much as you do, trust me." Dream huffs back, tongue pushing into his bottom molars as his eyes press around the room. George shoots fire into Dream, complete shock and disbelief covering his face. Who said Dream could answer? Who? Who out of the 50 people sitting (and standing) in this room, told Dream personally, that he could respond to George and his little mumbles?

George's water bottle is quickly taken away, the same man that had handed it to him retrieving it and placing it on a small table hidden off to the side. "Are we ready for a reshoot?" The producer asks and Dream drags his eyes back to George in time to watch him run closed fists over the wrinkles in his clothes. Dream throws up a silent thumb at the lady, nodding when he makes eye contact with the paired director and producer.

Dream is too tired for this. He wants to go to sleep and not have to kiss George. The clapperboard snaps shut, George rises to his toes. Dream just wishes he could strip down to his boxers and sleep all day. He was up late, he's tired. He doesn't want to have George force his lips onto Dream's.

Rough hands meet soft curls, little tangles of hair scattering around Dream's scalp. The close of his eyes is relaxing, with George carrying most of the kiss while Dream just stands there with less effort, pushing his lips back towards George. His fingers press into fatty sides, a waist filling the space between his fingers and radiating a soothing heat.

His body starts to sway, sleep overcoming his senses as he sighs into George's mouth. The brunette pulls away, his scattered breaths flowing over the recently shaved hairs running over Dream's skin. He presses a kiss to the side of the half conscious boy's lips and then the word, 'cut' is yelled into the bright room.

Dream almost falls forward onto George, only opening his eyes when the brunette steps away and the warmth of tanned skin leaves pale hands. "Shit." He mumbles, and drops his jaw to let a yawn rush out of his lungs. His arm is reaching over to cover his mouth before anyone sees with his shoulders tensing back to stretch the muscles. The pull brings a groan out of his body, shoulders dropping and jaw closing when Dream slouches back into a normal position.

Dream stands in front of George again, his eyes slightly closed due to the fatigue but he manages. He turns his head towards the producer who seems happy enough staring at her small screen. Are they shooting anymore or what? He'd rather not have to do the scene again, but money is money, and if that means Dream has to record another scene with his lips pressed against George's... he will.

Wc: 1131

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