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"It's a little different to how it used to be," Wanda whispered as we stood and looked at the deep pit that once was her home.

"What was it like?" I asked, wrapping my hands around her waist from behind and leaning my chin on her shoulder.

"I only remember it being a war zone, but we would play with the other kids on the streets before our parents passed away. It was almost like there was no war at all," she smiled softly, "Pietro made up this game with stones from the rubble of destroyed buildings. He would throw one behind him and we would all have to dodge it and whoever it hit was out."

"Sounds dangerous," I smirked.

"It was," she giggled, "but it was fun. He always knew how to lighten up the situations we were in."

"What's the age difference between you?" I asked, kissing her shoulder.

"12 minutes," she smiled, "it's weird. He's the oldest but after those last 12 minutes ... I became the oldest. He will always be 19 but I'm nearly 20 and somehow, he's still my older brother."

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered.

She nodded and leaned her body weight back into me.

"Do you ever wish it was you?"

She thought for a moment and nodded her head again, "I used to wish it all the time, but I've come to realise that I'm still here for a reason. I've still got a life to live, it just has to be a life without my twin brother. Sometimes I even find myself thankful to be alive ... most of those times are with you."

"I'm grateful you're still alive," I smiled sadly.

She nodded and turned her head towards me, pecking my lips. I smiled and kissed her back before slowly pulling away and linking our hands together, moving us back from the memorial and towards the abandoned Hydra base.

"The doors are probably locked," I announced, breaking the awkward silence.

"Lucky we have powers then," Wanda smirked, flicking her wrist and breaking down the door.

I nodded slowly and let out a small giggle, "touché."

Wanda hummed and dropped my hand, walking off into the building. I furrowed my brows and ran after her, grabbing her arm gently to make her face me.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, searching her eyes.

She nodded but didn't say anything else, just turned to walk off into the dark room. I bit my cheek and walked off after her, creating a small light in my hand from my abilities, walking after her quickly just to keep up.

"Babe," I pushed.

She hummed again and created her own light in the palm of her hand and looked around the room at the pieces of paper on the floor and the filings that sat on the tables.

"Have a look on the computer and see if you can find anything," Wanda spoke, not looking at me once.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong," I replied.

She shook her head, "nothings wrong Y/N."

I bit my cheek and felt my eyes flash a bright purple. Wanda turned around, seeing the change in light in the room and furrowed her brows. I blinked slowly and let the light fade down to a purple hue.

"Don't lie to me Wands. I know there is something wrong," I pushed, taking a step towards her.

She rolled her eyes and let out a shaky breath, looking up to meet my eyes as hers became glossy.

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