Sorcerer Supreme

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"You're back," he smiled proudly.

"Did I have much choice?" I replied, moving closer to him as he sat on a large throne in the same setting, quite literally the middle of space.

"You did have a choice Y/N, and you chose to come back. A part of you wanted to see me again," he said, leaning forward.

I nodded, "I want answers."

"I can't give you answers," he told me.

"Yeah, you said that ... so tell me where to look, where can I get answers?" I asked, sitting in front of him and crossing my legs.

"Now you're asking the correct questions," he smirked.

"I've tried books, I've tried AI, I even tried plain old Google but all I can find is information on the celestials. What are the celestials?" I asked him.

"I told you; I can't give you answers," he sighed.

"Yebat," I muttered, "where can I find more information on the celestials?"

"There is a collection of very powerful books that can only be found in Nepal," he replied.

I nodded slowly with a small smile, finally getting somewhere, "where in Nepal?"

"The home of the sorcerer supreme," he said.

"You know, you're not very helpful," I answered.

He nodded, "so I've been told ... go to Nepal, talk to the sorcerer supreme and find the books, only then will you find what you're looking for."

"And if I don't?" I said slowly.

"You will," he smiled, "I'll see you soon Y/N."

I opened my eyes and audibly groaned, waking up my sleeping girlfriend. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me as she slept on my chest.

"What's wrong?" she whispered.

"I had another fucking dream and I think we need to go to Nepal," I replied quickly.

"Nepal?" she asked.

I nodded and sat up, "I'm going to go to the lab and try to figure out what's going on ... come down in a bit?"

She gave me a tired nod and closed her eyes again as I grabbed a jumper and walked down to the lab, exploring the new building. So far only Wanda and I had moved our stuff in as everyone else was too far concentrated on their own tasks to prioritise a house move. Although this worked well in our favour, the grounds were quiet so I could come and go during all hours and honestly no one apart from Wanda would know.

"Friday, look alive," I spoke, walking into the brand-new lab.

All the lights switched on and all the computers unlocked.

"Good morning, Miss Y/L/N, what can I help you with?" she asked as I looked around at all the new tech.

"Ummm, pull up what you can on the sorcerer supreme," I replied, sitting down and watching all the files flag up in front of me.

"Sorcerer Supreme is a title granted to the practitioner of the mystic arts who has greater skills than all others and commands a greater portion of the magical energies than any other organism on a given world."

I nodded slowly, "and where does he live? Who is he?"

"The Sorcerer Supreme spends most of his time in the New York sanctum on Bleeker Street but also commands forces in Kamar-Taj," she told me.

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