|| Twelve ||

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Sapnap woke up with a start and looked around, he couldn't see Karl but there was someone different standing before him, it was a vaguely familiar face but he couldn't remember. Sapnap went dead silent but still bared his fangs, emitting a loud hiss "What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck" Quackity whispered to himself, stepping back and reaching for the door handle, Sap drew away from him and slipped his tail into the room temperature water filling the bathtub, watching as the human quickly left the room

"DREAM" he heard them shout. Dream? ... Karl's friend, yes, that's it

He heard a knocking sound come from somewhere on the floor downstairs, a voice a couldn't recognise started talking and his ears perked up, trying to work out what they were saying, It was something like "What is it *something*" "Have you *something* the *something* *something*" "Wait a minute... KARL"


Karl siddled out of his room and faced his two friends for the second time that day "What is it now? I was trying to take a nap" "You didn't let me in the upstairs bathroom because you hid something in there, didn't you Karl" Dream accused "Yes, no, maybe" he was internally having a meltdown "Karl what the fuck Is In the bathtub, I went in there to find a towel and there's a fucking, like, snake person in there" Karl sighed "He's NOT a snake, he's a siren and he's only staying till nightfall... then I have to bring him back to the water" he heard a quiet humming noise and instinctively blocked his ears

Wait, why did I do that?

His friends suddenly dropped to the floor, both of them unconscious "I mean, I don't HAVE to go back tonight"

He whipped around to see Sapnap standing there, two legs replacing his tail "What?" Karl asked confusedly "You have LEGS!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME" "Well, because I wanted to be carried... OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW I COULD DO THIS" he turned around "Plus, I still have a tail and my pointed ears soooo... It's not a perfect transformation"

"That's still really weird" Karl muttered as he crouched down and clicked his fingers, trying to wake his friends up "Oh, they won't wake up for hours" Sap laughed "They're out cold"

"Well, what are we gonna do while we wait for them to wake up? I can't just leave them here, what if someone breaks in?" Sapnap shrugged as he flopped down on the couch, wrapping his tail up and over his newly formed legs "I don't know but I am actually starving so could you maybe, y'know, make some food?"


George gripped the necklace Sapnap had given him the night he found the boy crying, he wiped his own tears away as he stared out over the ocean, the sunset cast a flurry of warm colours over the surface of the water

Suddenly, he couldn't help but feel drawn towards the house across the street from him. George couldn't see any cars so he crossed over and lightly knocked on the sturdy door, it opened fairly quickly and when George made eye contact, he gasped slightly "Sapnap?"

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