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The crashing waves rolled up the sandy dunes while the sky clouded over, stormy grey clouds covering the sun but the beach still had plenty of light. It was the perfect day to mess around in the sand without disturbing crowds of people, without creeping them out and having the human authorities called on him

Even if there was no sunlight, he'd be able to see with his nightvision, he narrowed his pupils to mere slits and looked around, nobody in sight so he swam through the water in a serpentine fashion until his hands gently swept against the wet grains of sand, sticking to his tail as he dragged himself up onto the shore. He panted slightly and lay down on his back, closing his gills and getting used to breathing air again. I need to come out of the water more often, it's like trying to breathe through a rope of kelp right now. The ravenette sat up and spotted a hermit crab scuttling over the sand but instead of a shell, it wore an empty can of coca cola

Sapnap reached over and plucked it off the beach, gently removing it from the metal cylinder and setting it back down next to a large conch shell; it immediately settled into its newer, bigger home. Sapnap smiled as if scurried off, watching it return to wherever it came from before looking around the beach again, there was left over garbage from humans the previous day scattered everywhere. He snorted with disgust, face contorting into a scowl as he subconsciously ruffled his dorsal spines

The heavy wind blew stray newspaper and plastic bags around with such ease, like algae in the wavering currents of his ocean home, like jellyfish in the darkest depths of the deep blue sea

He slapped his tail against the soaking sand, heaving himself further onto the golden shored beach while grains of sand and chips of sea glass stuck to his scaled appendage that formed his entire lower half. He let out a loud grunt and bit his lip with his razor sharp shark-like teeth as he grazed a pointed rock, inflicting a shallow cut that ran from his shoulder down to his waist, the cut hid snugly underneath his left arm and didn't hurt too bad but still left him rigid

The siren hissed in pain but continued his mission up towards the rolling sand hills draped in a blanket of prickly flax grass that brushed against his bare sides and pressed into the fresh cut, the clouds slowly drifted across the darkened sky and the sun was starting to peek through, tendrils of buttery yellow light slithered through the fluffy clouds. The vengeful waves were slowly retreating, the weather was becoming more and more enticing by the minute but he trudged onwards, glancing around occasionally to see if any humans had left their homes and decided to come to the beach, so far, none had

Once he reached the the summit of the hill, he picked some of the bristly grass and weaved it into a small net, the kind you would use to catch salmon in a freshwater river as they swim upstream towards their breeding grounds, making their way up based on pure, undiluted instinct, stopping at nothing to make it to their destination. Sapnap swept up all the rubbish in sight and dumped it in his woven bag, sliding down the hill on his sand dusted tail and picking up any other piece on his way down. When he reached the sea level again, he used his tail as a broom to pull any other bits of trash towards himself, adding it to the growing pile in the bag

When Sapnap was satisfied with his work, he slung the bag over his shoulder and made his way back to the now calm, shimmering water at his own pace until a noise caught his attention. He flicked his ears towards the sound, quickly turning his head and analysing the sight before him, a truck had pulled up to the railing that edged the small drop onto the beach and a group of human teenagers, both male and female, exited the vehicle

Sapnap turned back to the ocean and fled, moving as quickly as he could over the bumpy sand, tail thumping against the damp ground but someone had already spotted him, he heard yelling behind him and swore under his breath "Oh sweet Poseidon." He grew tired quite quickly yet pushed onwards, unwilling to befall prey to some scum of the earth just because they could move faster on land

The sound of feet running towards him was unnerving but the sea was only a few feet away, gentle waves lapped against his chest as he gave a final push against the sand and made his way into the sea, the welcoming feeling of water on his tail made him shiver in pleasure. He turned to look behind him, two humans were about 15 feet from him while a third was 20 feet away, holding up a small metal rectangle known as a 'phone' he flipped them off before powering off into deeper water with a single swish of his billowing tail, the small spines that lined his back flared up again once he was fully submerged

The male puffed out his chest and took a deep breath, water flowing smoothly through his gills as he lifted his left arm, the blood from his wound seeped into the water around him, creating a small, copper colored cloud of murky water. With a swipe of his powerful tail, he swam down to the seabed and plucked some deep green kelp, clamping his flax sack of human rubbish between his pointed teeth as he twisted the slimy plant into a sort of blanket that wrapped around his torso, snugly bandaging the cut before swimming back off into the darkness of the sea

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