|| Five ||

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Sapnap was just laying on a rock, gazing up at the twinkling sky when he heard something, he looked up to see the boy with ocean eyes coming down the beach. He slipped into the water and waited for the other to get close enough, planning to lure him into the water because he was on his own. Easy pickings~ He grinned and stayed stationery in the water, only exposing the tops of his shoulders at the most

The brunette sat down on a rock. My rock. Sapnap took a moment to clear his throat as the boy found one of his black scales on the mossy rock. He opened his mouth in surprise and the siren started softly singing, looking directly towards the human. They locked eyes and the other peeled off their footwear, jumping off the rock and stumbling towards him, a dazed look in his eyes so Sap raised his voice slightly, smiling as the boy drew closer and closer

He saw movement out of the corner of his eye, the humans friends "Fuck" he muttered and slipped back under the water, staying just under the waters surface as he people started talking to eachother "Karl, you shouldn't be in the water alone, especially not at night" He was intrigued. Karl? Cute name. He decided to leave it as a lost cause and come back tomorrow, hoping to catch a glimpse of the brunette again

Sapnap swam through the water lazily, arriving back at his cave in around 5 minutes but he wasn't off scot free because as he swam inside, he saw George resting on one of the ledges carved out of the walls of the water filled cave, flicking his grey-blue and black spotted tail slowly "Well well well, look who finally came home" he said, folding his arms passive aggressively Sapnap went to speak but cut himself off "Are you going to say anything?" George glared at him

"I would but nothing I could say is going to get you to let me off the hook, is it?" Sapnap retorted and George laughed "Yeah, you're in deep trouble, mister" Sapnap let himself sink to the floor with a groan "Oh come on George, I was just stargazing! Be nice for once" George pursed his lips "And stargazing requires singing? Don't try to lie to me, Sap, I could hear you" Sapnap shrugged "I trance humans into the water all the time, what's wrong with it? I have a strong power and I want to make the most of it before I can't"

George took a deep breath "Look, I understand that you're lucky but you're my best friend and I know you, I've known you since we were infants and I can tell when you're trying to kill for fun or sing to someone you care about, you've sung to me a couple times and It was never malicious like when you're luring humans into their watery grave" Sapnap narrowed his eyes, slightly confused "Look, what I'm trying to say is that I know what you're thinking but it isn't worth it, humans aren't worth it, stay away from whoever you were singing to tonight, alright?"

He nodded sadly "Fine, but just know that all my emotional pain and sadness will be caused by you" he then swam past George, heading to his little offshoot from the cave that was lined with hooks of rock holding strings of pearls, shells and shiny human treasures he'd found, the ground was filled with soft seagrass that drifted when the siren stirred the water around it

He sunk down to the ground, laying on the makeshift bedding and closing his eyes. What's so dangerous about the land? If need be, I could just trance them into drowning. He chuckled quietly to himself. I'm going back, I'm going to meet Karl for real, George couldn't stop me if he tried

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