|| Two ||

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Dream sat up in his cosy bed, stretching his arms and rolling his shoulders with a yawn before turning himself around to face the end of the bed, sliding out onto the floor with a slight thud. He dressed in a crisp white tshirt, soft black leggings and a green hoodie with the sleeves torn off, leaving his arms bare, victim to the cold, salty winds of the open sea

He exited his bedroom and walked into the pristine kitchen, sunlight bounced off the white tiled walls and flashed into his eyes indignantly, he ignored it and bustled around, digging through the creamy off white wood cupboards. Dream pulled a cup out of the drawer and stuck it under the coffee machine, watching as the steaming brown liquid trickled into the cup with drooping eyes still heavy with sleep

He gently cupped the mug, letting the warmth seep into his hands with a content sigh as he took a sip. Dream slowly downed the cup of coffee before grabbing a granola bar out of the barren cupboard and headed outside, sitting on the back step as he laced up his boots and setting off for the old moss covered docks where a small inlet allowed people to park their prized boats away from the dangerous underwater currents

As he approached the rickety wooden walkway, he saw two figures standing by the edge, it was Karl and Quackity "Hey guys!" he called out happily and ran over, footsteps echoing through the brisk morning air. They turned towards him and waved "Hi" Quackity greeted as he reached the end of the pier, the mouldy wood creaked slightly underneath them, weathered from years of savage waves and rough storms that rolled around in the winter time

Luckily, it was summertime, the two boys had come down to visit their friend during this boiling hot season because their schools had finished earlier that year and now that all three had graduated, they were free to do whatever they wanted during their summer break

"Welcome to merbay" Dream laughed "The founders of the town were convinced that mermaids lived here so please excuse the name" the other two laughed as well "Mermaids? What about some sexy mermen instead" Karl joked halfheartedly, trailing off as his brain started to fill up with... Well... Mermen

Dream shoved him lightly "You can try but if anything, you'd only find sirens" Quackity gave him a confused look "Sirens? You mean the sirens you would find on a police car?"

"Errrrr, no, sirens are like the evil version of mermaids, using their beautiful singing voices to lure humans into the water and eat them. At least, that's what my father told me'' Dream explained, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly "They can't all be bad" Karl said quietly "Maybe humans wronged them in some way that made them like that" Dream scoffed but mostly ignored the statement, leading the two boys over to his fathers boat and they climbed aboard

Karl and Quackity looked around, amazed by the vast ship's beauty with its sweeping masts and polished decks "This is incredible! Are you sure we're even allowed on it?" Quackity asked nervously, "Yup, my father gave me full permission to use his boat this summer while he's out of town on a trip" Karl ran a hand over the smooth railing "Where did he go?"

Dreams mood dampened slightly "My aunt, on his side, is deathly ill so he's gone to help take care of her but needed someone to watch over the house and keep his boat safe, i volunteered because i've never met my aunt and she'd probably be happier if i wasn't there" Karl sucked in a breath between gritted teeth "Uhhh sorry, i shouldn't have asked that"

"No no, it's fine, i'm fine" he gave a forced smile and turned away, walking towards the boats wheel "Quackity, can you untie the rope that's keeping the ship tethered to the pier, and Karl, can you tug the rope next to you please" around 5 minutes later and the majestic ship was ready to set sail. Dream spun the wheel and it veered away from the docks, gliding over the royal blue water with ease

The wind whipped through their hair as they swiftly exited the inlet and made their way into the sea, slicing through the white capped waves at a comfortable pace. Karl leaned on the railing and gazed out over the open water that reflected the rising sun's light, casting a shimmering orange haze over the water that quickly dissipated as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky

Once they were away from the shore, they stopped the boat and each picked a spot to settle down and cast their fishing rods, the slimy bait disgusted Quackity slightly but Karl and Dream were used to it, as Dream was a professional fisherman, assisting his father on the boat and Karl would always fish with his family on the weekends until he moved away for school reasons. They felt quite alone on their boat, away from the bustling shores and yachts swarming with drunken idiots, but little did they know that as soon as they entered the open sea, something peered up at their boat from underneath the gentle waves, skimming across the coral reef and trailing them silently

Sirens & sea shanties || Karl x SapnapWhere stories live. Discover now