Episode 4: The Shapeshifters

Start from the beginning

"Nothing," Austin says with a lovely smile. "I'll see you at home; I'm going now." Austin waves his father off as he exits the restaurant.

Akira appears to be very perplexed, but she believes that whatever is happening is real after the events of the days that follow.

"I don't know how this is even possible." After a long, awkward pause, Akira begins to speak.

"It could happen." "I mean, there are some breeds that can turn into foxes from birth, and some breeds, like yours, that turn into foxes after a certain age and time," Ursala explains sweetly.

"Or when one of the parents is a fox, then this also occurs," she adds inquisitively.

"That might definitely be my father; he is an aggressive and powerful fighter. I also learned how to fight from him," with a small smile, Akira remarks as she casts her gaze to the ground.

"Why couldn't it be your mother?" Ursula makes a query.

It might be, but I don't know because she left us when I was young, and I don't remember ever being with her, Akira said.

"Oh, dear, I am sorry," Ursala says, concerned. "I would like to meet your father then," Ursula continues while consoling Akira.

After so long, Akira senses this. She had discovered someone who would be just like her mother if she were with her—someone who cared deeply about her. She felt content, as if everything that had happened previously had been worthwhile. As they continued to talk, Akira shared stories about her father and the memories she had of him. Ursula listened attentively, eager to learn more about the person who had raised Akira. The bond between them grew stronger with each passing moment, bringing a sense of comfort and belonging to both of them.

"So, I'm afraid." Akira stated, "My father is out of town." "I'll meet him when he gets home, then." Ursala answered, gently tapping Akira's hands.

Akira smiled, grateful for Ursula's understanding and support. "Thank you," she said softly, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "I know he'll love meeting you too." With that, they continued their conversation, eagerly discussing their plans for the future and the adventures they hoped to embark on together.

"For the time being, you'll need to learn to control your anger, transformation, and magic," she continues.

As the weather began to fall, the sky turned a dark shade of gray, and a light drizzle started to sprinkle down. Despite the change in weather, the beauty of the place remained intact, with vibrant flowers blooming and leaves glistening with raindrops. The atmosphere became even more lively as more people ventured out, seeking shelter under colorful umbrellas while enjoying the cozy ambiance of nearby cafes.

The anticipation of the upcoming festivities and the sense of accomplishment that comes with reaching adulthood add an extra layer of excitement to this already enchanting time. As students prepare for their next chapter, the air is filled with a mix of nostalgia and hope, creating a unique energy that permeates every corner of the town.

Akira is also a little relieved that she doesn't have to go to school very often and that there aren't any assignments or projects to worry about now that all this is going well for her. She also had an agreement with her new older fox friend, Ursula, to visit her at her house for training.

As Akira walks through the town, she can't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what lies ahead. The conversations she overhears are filled with dreams and aspirations, as everyone eagerly discusses their plans for the future. It's a refreshing change from the monotonous routine of school life. Akira looks forward to the training sessions with Ursula, knowing that they will not only help her grow stronger but also deepen their bond as friends. The mix of excitement and uncertainty fuels her determination.

She also wonders if what is happening is real or not, if she is a fox or not, but she doesn't think too much and is ready to do the things that Ursula said, "That she should bring her blades with her, that her dad got her the other day as they were training."

As Akira prepares for the training session, she can't help but feel a sense of anticipation and curiosity about her own identity. She wonders if embracing her fox-like abilities will bring her closer to understanding who she truly is. Despite these lingering questions, Akira trusts Ursula's guidance and eagerly grabs her new blades, ready to embark on this thrilling journey of self-discovery and friendship.

It was a bright morning, and Akira was eager to begin her training. She travels to the address Ursula had provided. She was just about to knock when she arrived at the apartment, but the door flung open without her even touching it.

A woman's voice resounded throughout the large, dark apartment: "Welcome, Akira." When Akira entered the hallway of that apartment, it appeared more like a den, with a large black chair in the middle, where Ursula was seated as a queen.

There were so many candles hanging upside down from the ceiling, the house appeared very old and antique. A magnificent chandelier with lit candles was hanging over the large chair. That house gave Akira the impression that she was in a vampire's hiding place.

Ursula weeps the knife from her hand and turns to face Akira, saying, "Have a seat." Akira takes a seat on the couch that was next to her. Did you live alone in this place? Akira wonders. Ursala nodded in agreement and asked, "Yes, did you not like my house?"

"No!! I adore it,"

Akira responds very quickly. "Or do you think that this place is starting to resemble a vampire's den more?" Ursala laughed. "Did you just read my mind?" Akira inquired after a long pause.

Ursala answered, "No," and there was a long pause.

As the silence lingered, Ursula finally broke it by saying, "I understand your confusion and doubts. It's natural to question everything when faced with something new and unfamiliar."

She reassured her that they would take things one step at a time, allowing her to discover her true potential as they trained together. Akira sat quietly, gazing at her long black gown, which made her look like a "fox queen."

Ursula threw the knife in her direction while Akira was preoccupied with her thoughts, and she was perfectly able to catch it. That completely surprised Ursula, who had no idea that she was so fast as well as active. Akira's exceptional skills and quick reflexes not only impressed Ursula but also made her realize that Akira had surpassed the level of the trainees she had previously worked with. It was clear that Akira's true potential was far beyond what Ursula had initially anticipated.

Ursula gasped, "That was very impressive, Akira."

"Thanks!! My father taught me everything, and he even practiced his throwing motions on me while we were cooking food together to make my reflexes quicker." Akira answered with a proud expression on her face. Certainly, this kid is unique in some way.

"So, we're assuming you don't need footing training?" Ursula asked, concentrating. "Indeed," Akira responds.

The first things they teach their cubs are mind reading and manipulation, just like when you learn math and science, said Ursala.

Ursula explained that these skills are essential for survival in their fox community, as they rely on communication and strategy to thrive. She assured her that with practice, she would become adept at both mind reading and manipulation, just like the other foxes.

"And that will be the first thing we learn in the coming days," "How to read your enemy's mind, manipulate them, and control your thoughts so that you can't be controlled by others," Ursula explained.

Akira replies with hesitation, "Okay, great. "Who are they?" Akira politely asks a question, seeking clarification about who exactly Ursula is referring to when she mentions "they." Curiosity tinged with a hint of skepticism colors Akira's tone as she waits for Ursula's response.

"They" are "The Skulk," from whom we must protect ourselves, said Ursula in hushed tones.

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