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"Hyung, she's so good! I felt like I was dancing with Jimin." Taehyung said to Yoongi. "You have to come with me sometime just so you can see her."

"Taehyung-ah, you sound like you like her." Yoongi sighed.

"I do like her hyung, she's so sweet and she recognised me." He began, "But she treated me like any other customer. Normally if we go to places like that and Army work there, they fangirl and fanboy. It's suffocating after a while. Sarang wasn't. She just took my order like nothing." He explained.

"Tae, you don't even know her that well." Yoongi said. "But I like that someone caught your eye." He had to admit it, it was nice seeing the younger one cheer up after what seemed like an eternity of Taehyung acting far from normal.

"Sarang is so nice hyung, you'll like her."


"Oh my God, that's her name! I'm not calling her my love." Taehyung said, quickly defending himself.

"No need to get all defensive Tae." Yoongi laughed. "I'll go with you tomorrow to see who this girl is."


Surely, when tomorrow came, Yoongi left practice with Taehyung. He followed his car to the little shop he had mentioned the day prior. "This is it. Their tea is really good." Taehyung said.

"Let's see about." Yoongi said as they walked towards the door. There were very few people there but it was more than Taehyung had ever seen there at once on any other occasion. There were 6 people. Eight if one included him and Yoongi.

"Hello, how can I help you both today?" Sarang said cheerfully.

"I'll have my usual, hyung?" Taehyung said before asking Yoongi what he'd like.

"I'll take an iced passion fruit tea." He said with a smile in Sarang's direction.

"Okay, will that be all?" She asked, her eyes shifting from Taehyung to Yoongi. Looking to see if either would add anything or confirm that all they asked for was all they wanted.

"That's everything." Taehyung smiled cheerfully at the girl, she smiled back and gave the two their total before Yoongi paid.

"She's pretty." Yoongi teased the younger. "No wonder you come here a lot. The girl's a sight for sore eyes."

"Stop it hyung." Taehyung smiled, blushing slightly at what he was being told.

Yoongi and Taehyung drank their tea while chatting. They didn't stay long and left to go to their separate homes not long after. Taehyung waved to Sarang who was drying a glass that had been just washed.


Taehyung sat on his couch as he thought of her. She was such a nice and caring person. Sarang seemed so ideal to him. He fantasised a reality where she was someone else to him, where what they both mutually left was love. He let his thoughts spiral and romanticised her. His imagination pictured the two walking hand in hand, laughing as they swayed their hands. Sharing small little kisses here and there, dancing together when the only music was the sound of the nothingness around them. He wished for an alternate reality where Sarang was his, where they were in love.

His thoughts began to go further and further as he slowly began to sexualise her. When she danced beside him, she moved so gracefully. Her body seemed so effortlessly flexible. The thought of her closer to him, swaying against him. He'd never even touched the girl but his mind took things all the way. Taehyung's imagination ran wild with the thought of holding, positioning and doing things both to and with her; feeling her hands against his skin. He pictured her beneath him and under him, he heard her voice begging him. But that bubble burst. The realisation hit him, he'd never felt or been close to her like he was imagining. But oh how he wished he had.

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