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,, judged by 2LAiNA ;

- "I M possible love" by ViniShah2

Cover (0/5) : 3/5

- Good, because it portrays your main characters, I adore the fact that the title is presented and the kind of word play it actually is, the font is also suiting both for the vibe and for the arrangements on your cover

- Bad, because, even though many have the wrong perception that, if a badly edited cover is thrown under the B&W filter, you can't notice the difference in color tones in terms of intensity, lighting and such. It's very obvious, unfortunately, that the characters come from different lightning, thus I would recommend getting a more experienced editor to manipulate that part of the cover better. Also, those stickers, personally, denigrate the Professional character of the cover, along with making it appear very busy.

Title (0/5) : 3/5

- Good because of the world play, I like what you attempted to do with it, perhaps intended to give it a double meaning.

- Bad, because the only thing that keeps it from being "Impossibile Love", which is a generic and cliché title, is the stylistic choice of separating the letters. Even more, I feel like it isn't as stylistic, personally I would have gone for something more like "I'm possible love", or, at least, keep all the letters capitalized as in "I M POSSIBLE LOVE".

Blurb/Story description (0/5) : 2/5

- Good, because your Blurb really frames what your story is about. Honestly, if it wasn't for the downturns I'm about to talk about, it would've gotten me HOOKED!

- Bad, because you really started off with a wrong choice of words. "...was left alone by her beautiful husband on their wedding day.." is an error. What you were looking for in order to explain what happened to Bora was either "...was abandoned on their wedding day" or "was left at the altar" to announce to your readers that, in fact, Jimin had a change of mind in the middle of their wedding. Also, a really good piece of advice I want to pass to you as it has been passed to me by my teacher - in compositions/ novel writing or things as such, where you narrate something, NEVER use digits instead of words. Even more, when your sentence starts with it. It's not only a stylistic choice but also impractical. "5 years later,..." doesn't look like the start of a sentence. "Five years later.." insead, it looks better and is correct.

Plot (0/10) : 7/10

- Good, because it personally got me hooked. The fact that Yoongi, her new love interest, is the brother of her ex's new lover is really tangled, and this scandalous aspect of it makes it a good romance, even more that it matches the "Impossibile love" we've been warned about by the title.

- Bad, because there are some unbelievable reasons thus I would consider him plot holes. I assume, regardless of how bad his mother would be, I can't find how Jimin can be forced to leave on the wedding day. He knew his mother would disapprove of their marriage - then why schedule it to begin with, just to run away on that same exact day? Even more the fact that he confessed he still loves her, how can he not search for her this entire time? Then the fact that they end up on good terms, and the families as well. I don't think you can comprehend how much of an embarrassment it would be for someone to be left at the altar. I have acquaintances that have been in that posture and needed emotional support to get over it. It isn't something that can simply be forgiven, even more for the mere fact that he didn't properly communicate with his mother. It's not the fact that I'm not personally satisfied with the course of things, it's more that it doesn't follow a logical connection and course of things. Another fact is that his mother was not introduced earlier. She only makes an appearance when it's time to blame someone for Jimin's actions. For a character that plays such a big role as in being the reason why the conflict happens to begin with, she's barely present in the narration.

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