! pjm reviews

59 18 8

,, judged by _human-being_ ;

- "falling in love" by ennie_minnie

Cover (4/5)

The cover looks good, however some of the font used is too small and can not be read clearly

Title (5/5)

The title is good given that it is used for a romance genre story.

Blurb/ story description (2/5)

The description gives insight to probably one of the most important scenes of the story. However, there are grammatical errors and moreover, the description can hold much more than just one signal scene extracted from the story. Giving a brief summary of what the story holds should also be kept in mind.

Plot (7/10)

Reading as far as the chapters I was assigned to, I couldn't much insight of the plot, as even the male lead wasn't introduced yet. However, it did give a lot of information on many characters and build up their story and relation. Still, by chapter 3, I believe some more significant points regarding the story should've been revealed.

Character buildup (7/10)

The characters as described so far were all interesting in their own unique ways, however there wasn't much of a character buildup. Which is not bad, as I feel like the story had only started building up.

Content (7/10)

Grammar (5/10)

There were many grammar issues.

Writing style (6/10)

The story is written in first pov, with usual changing of povs. The writing style of the author isn't bad but it still can be made better.

Worth reading (7/10)

The story itself may not be that bad but the overall quality was lacking in many places.

Overall enjoyment (7/10)

The plot and characters seemed interesting, there were hints of originality. However, the bad grammar and some confusing scenes were off putting.

Total (57/85)

- "my fate" by ru_my_bae

Cover (2/5)

Cover needs a lot of work

Title (5/5)

Title sounds intriguing and interesting

Blurb/ story description (2/5)

The description has many grammatical errors. Moreover, the way it is written makes it quite confusing.

Plot (9/10)

The plot is strong. If handled well, it can be an amazing story.

Character buildup (4/10)

So far, there wasn't much of a character buildup as the characters were barely described so far.

Content (3/10)

The content lacks quality

Grammar (4/10)

There were a lot of grammatical errors. Including punctuation errors and many other errors.

Writing style (4/10)

The writing style is a bit confusing and needs much work done.

Worth reading (4/10)

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