! jjk reviews

86 14 6

,, judged by _abhipreeti_ ;

- "the cupid complex" by 4everSherlocked

Cover: 3/5

The cover was visually and graphically very appealing. However, I wish there was something more used in the cover, instead of just a graphic edit of Jungkook, to emit the essence of something related to the story more.

Title: 5/5

The title is very interesting actually and immediately caught my eyes. Now we all know that Cupid is the son of Mercury, and the God of Love, with that being said, as per the Illiad. Thus, it made me wonder what cupid complex might mean.

Blurb: 4.5/5

The blurb was well written and I can see that you know what a blurb or story description truly is. However, few more twisting words and statements would have made the blurb more alluring.

Plot: 9/10

The plot was definitely new to me, especially in BTS fanfictions. So I am glad that you went for a more unique and original plot rather than the usual plots used in BTS fanfictions.

Character Build Up: 9.5/10

The character build up had the right pace and resulted in my smooth reading experience. The characters were believable enough as well.
Content: 9/10

As I have said before, I was highly intrigued by the original and unique content. Thus, good job.

Writing Style: 10/10

It is not everyday that I come across a BTS fanfiction book which has a good writing style. What I liked more about your book is the fact that instead of using pictures (which most BTS fanfiction authors do), you showed and present a vivid imagery through your writing skills. Descriptive writing is something that I am fond of and I was glad to see that your book had that.

Grammar: 10/10

I could not find any Grammatical error, except for some negligible typing errors, but those weren't noticeable enough which shows how well you have edited and proofread your book.

Worth Reading: 9/10

The book was definitely a worth read for me. And I would recommend it to BTS fanfiction readers for sure.

Overall Enjoyment: 9/10

I would suggest you to enter this book to this year's Watty under fanfiction category because your book has the it factor inside it. Keep on writing and nurturing your skills because you have potential to become a great author.

Total: 78/85

- "villians don't cry" by Yeong_fictions

Cover: ⅘

The cover was visually very soothing and goes quite well with the entire theme and concept.

Title: 5/5

Good job at creating a unique title. When I searched up the title in the search bar of Wattpad, the first book that was shown was yours which proves that your book title is not only unique but also can be easily differentiated from other books.

Blurb: 1.5/5

First of all, the structure of the blurb is completely wrong. A blurb is an overall brief overview or summary of a story, without giving away much about the plot twist, or climax of a book. Your blurb only had two dialogues and one statement which, even though was grammatically correct, but phonetically not, making it appear as very disorganised.

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