Chapter 9: The Stray

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Then all fives walks through the decorated streets.

Yang: "You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring" 

Yang said, crossing her arms. 

Weiss: "Quiet, you!" 

Blake sighed and turn her direction over to Y/n. 

Blake: "I suppose this is your first time to ever seen the Vytal Festival up in person right?"

Y/n nodded his head. 

Ruby: And now you are seeing the Vytal Festival with us!" 

Y/n: "I am grateful of seeing what got everyone excited about, even if it means having to go out like this and getting attentions all around me" 

Quickly Glancing around, Team Rwby saw civilians walking pass them were given them a look of concerns, more especially towards Y/n. So the girls involuntarily move in closer to Y/n, allowing him to feel a lot safer. 

After a couple of walking, they made it to the docks as the sound of a foghorn can be heard" 

Yang: "Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?" 

Ruby: "Ugh, They smell like fish!"

Y/n: "If I do remember, the students from Vacuo will be arriving by a ship" 

Weiss: "Correct, Y/n. And as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom!" 

 Blake: "She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament" 

Y/n: "Somehow that feels like she had taken my strategy"

Weiss scoff.

Weiss: "You can't prove that!" 

Ruby then spotted something on her right.

Ruby: "Woah"  

The five look at a shattered window down the street and a door full of yellow cautious tape of the Police Force and the five decided to talk to the detective that were standing in front, writing on his note pad. 

Ruby: "What happen to this place?"

Detective 1: "Robbery. Second Dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle" 

The detective then walk over to his partner. 

Yang: "That's terrible" 

They could hear the second detective say something to his partner.

Detective 2: "They left all the money again" 

What the detective had say, gotten the teen's attentions. 

Detective 1: "Yeah, just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs that much Dust?" 

Detective 2: "I don't know, an army?" 

Detective 1: "You thinking the White Fang?"

Detective 2: "Yeah, I'm thinking we don't get paid enough" 

So the detectives just left the scene, possibly to report about the scene to their boss and leaving Y/n along with the four girls alone. 

Weiss crosses her arms and let out a small hmph before speaking. 

Weiss: "Hmph! The White Fang. What an bunch of degenerates!" 

The next thing, Blake turn her direction to her team member, Weiss. 

The Grimm in Huntsman's Clothing (Male 'Hybrid' Reader x Rwby Harem)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz