Chapter Twenty-Eight - Y/N

Start from the beginning

"Yes ma'am?"

"I heard your thoughts and I actually kind of respect you a bit more."

His smile dropped a little and he chuckled a little bit.

"Fair enough."

We continued walking, but once we were almost at the elevator, Tenko collapsed. I caught his crutch before it hit him and stood in front of him, back to him and facing the rest of the Front approaching us, giving him some time to recollect himself. Re-Destro attempted to step around me to speak to him and I lifted the hem of my shirt a little bit, showing my gun, and he took multiple steps backwards.

"<Paranormal Liberation Front? I like the new name.>" Ujiko radioed in, and myself, Tenko and the rest of the League winced, taking in the loud audio of his voice in our ears. Trumpet, Geten, Skeptic and Re-Destro looked a little confused until Compress motioned to our earpieces and they nodded. "<It's better than 'The League of Villains', which in my opinion always felt kinda tacky.>"

"Enough about the name. You promised me more power once I tamed Machia." Tenko groaned, slowly making his way back to his feet. "Are you still good on that promise?"

"<When you're fully healed, we will talk. But yes. I am good on that promise, Shigaraki. However, I do have one more thing to ask of you.>"

Dabi nudged me, motioning with his head back towards the crowd. I muted my earpiece, nodding. I almost forgot about Hawks. I handed Tenko back his crutch and projected where we were going into his head. He looked at me meaningfully and I sighed, walking away with Dabi.




We sauntered through the crowd, people giving us our space and actually regarding us with respect. It was kind of weird, because even though I do have a position of power in the League, we never really needed to drive that point home. We all kind of knew our place.

I spotted Hawks right as he spotted me, and he winked, his big brown eyes lighting up. I internally giggled and shot him a sultry smirk. I attempted to read his mind again, but there was still nothing. Just silence. I hate not knowing what he's really thinking, but I do trust him so far. I wasn't lying to Dabi. However, Dabi is a little less trusting and feels the complete opposite.

"Hey there, number two." Dabi swung an arm around Hawks' shoulders. "You're looking pleased as punch, aren't ya?"

"Sure am. How about some introductions?" He grinned that model-perfect grin in my direction and I almost rolled my eyes. He knows he's a conventionally attractive person, let alone one of the most popular heroes with the ladies, and he tries to use it against me, unaware that I'm doing the same thing to him.

"No Shigaraki, unfortunately. He's recovering and they'll never let you get that close to him. They don't trust you like I, well, like we do." I caught one of his feathers as it floated towards the ground and tried to hand it to him, but he shook his head.

"You can keep it. Pretty, isn't it?"

I ran my fingers along the feather, as it was incredibly soft, but I also was studying the different shades of red throughout it. From afar it seems like a solid, crayon red color but up close, the feathers are almost ombre with all the different shades and tones.

"It is pretty." I smiled. I wasn't really being deceitful anymore, it was actually pretty sweet of him to let me keep it. I watched his cheeks redden a little and he turned back to Dabi.

"Who can I meet, then?"

"You can meet Twice, if you want. He's been wanting to talk to you either way."

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