meeting the family

Start from the beginning

Me and Kit look at each other and try not to laugh
"Okay, so you have met my mum, but she doesn't know we ate dating. Do you want to tell her?" I ask
"Yeah, sure, your siblings seem really nice well apart from that one."
"Welk from the experience I have told you and the warning I gave you in the car this is how she is."

We walk downstairs, and my mum is in the living room with a cup of coffee, and she looks up at us
"Hello boys, you okay?" she asks
"Yeah, uh, mama, I have something to tell you."
"You not coming out to me again you did that twice"
"No, it's not that, so you know kit here,"
"Kit is my best friend, and he's also a lot more than that,"
"Go on,"
"Kit is my boyfriend," I say, hiding onto kit shoulder

Mum looks up at me, then stands up, pulling me into a hug
"Ah baby, thank you for telling me,"
Ahe pulls away and looks at Kit and gives him a hug to
"Welcome to the family kit."
"Thank you,"

We all sit back down and have a conversation
"So how did you two meet?" Mum asks
"Oh well, me and River met while filming this winter he's playing one of Nick nelsons cousins and I play nick nelson we we both kinda clicked and we just became friends and then we started falling for each other"
"Aw, that's so sweet."
We both smile
"Your dad's here aswell Y/N"
"Oh," I say
"Do you want me to tell him?"
"No, I can."
"Okay, I'll be in here. He's outside smoking."

We both stand up and walk into the garden. I get a little nervous. My dad looks at me
"Ah, so this is your boyfriend that I have heard about." he moves the cigarette from his mouth
"Yes, hi, I'm kit."
"You better look after my daughter,"
"Sorry who?" He asks
"Who's layla? I only know a river,"
"Well, layla is your girlfriend,"
"No sir, I have a boyfriend, and he's right here," Kit says, pointing to me

This just keeps hurting. I knew he was going to be like this. I walk back into the kitchen to get away from him, but I hear kit snapping at him

"So you cheating on my daughter,"
"I don't have a girlfriend. I only have a boyfriend. His name is River, your son. "
"Ohh that tranny"
"What, no don't call him that"
"No she's a girl"
"He cut his hair, changed his name, wore transtape but somehow you still see him as a girl?"
"What else can he do, he isn't a girl he's a boy and he was always a boy"
"Always a girl"
"He was just born in the wrong body"
"She was born in the right body and she's going to like it and thats the end of it"

Kit looks mighty pissed off now and my dad is sitting there laughing
"Stop using his deadname on him, stop using she/her pronouns on him, he's a boy a real boy"
"Oh your taking the piss now mate" dad laughs

"It's like you don't even try to use the correct pronouns on him, it's like you don't even try to not misgender him. He wasn't more as a male, but that doesn't mean he isn't one. "
"It isnt a big deal it doesn't matter"

"Oh you might say 'it isn't a big deal it doesn't matter' we'll yes it does matter, he hates being misgendered when someone misgenders him he laughs and acts like its fine but in reality he is heartbroken he feels like people don't see him as a real guy"

"She can try as hard as she wants she will always be a girl"

"Maybe he doesn't seem like a male to you but that doesn't mean he isn't one" Kit leaves my dad laughing to himself and walks over to me me in absolute shock and in tears

"Come on sweetheart let's go"
I nod and we walk up to my bedroom and kit shuts the door while I sit on the bed, when kit looks at me I just burst into tears
"Come here" he says opening his arms and I crawl into them him embracing me "shhh its okay"
"W-Why is he like this" I say shakily
"I don't know some people can just be horrible"
I just keep crying
"Sh sh shhhh, its okay I'm here I won't let anyone hurt you"
I kept sobbing onto him
"It's okay, your dad's a dick ignore him he's wrong"

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