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After Dawsids death things had become hectic but Zero not wanting to deal with this shit forcefully calmed everyone.

He told them to discuss all this once everything ends and for now to just record all the information they get.

Which they all agreed upon albeit reluctantly

"Now that everything has settled let's go and get some more information this time it's Grey again." Zero happily announced.

Caera's curiosity instantly peaked she barely knew about her 24/7 grumpy-looking friend.

Seris though didn't show any reaction she of course was very curious about him too.

"So what are we watching next there are just so many things I am excited about." Regis bubbled up in the excitement

"I am sure you are." Zero chuckled "For now we will be watching how Grey makes history once again by doing something that just should not be possible." Zero's voice turned flat.

"That reminds me about a certain someone." Jasmine glanced at Arthur.

Those who understood couldn't help but snicker.

While Arthur as always ignored them all.

While Grey was there a frown adorning his charming face glaring at Zero. While the latter refused to meet his eyes.

"Well let's start I guess."

This is crazy. It's not going to work." "It might if you stop your relentless badgering," I said, flexing the fingers of my newly regenerated arm.

Regis zipped up to my face. "Oh, I'm sorry. Is my genuine concern that you might blow yourself up bothering you?" I swatted him away. "Yes."

My floating companion's smoky black form sizzled in anger. "Why are you even attempting this anyway?
You just demolished the hidden boss of this level with a punch! I think you're strong enough."

Arthur's brows quirked hearing the familiar gaming terms and he wasn't stupid enough to not suspect him being a reincarnated person too.

He just silently looked at Grey and the latter turned his head and his eyes locked with Grey he continued staring
at him for a minute and moved his gaze back to the screen.

-The gaming terms caused him to react that way.- Regis

-Hmmm.- Grey

"I can't rely on sustaining my body by constantly eating aetheric essence off of monsters."

"So your plan is just to form your own power source? Geez, I wonder why the wise and powerful dragons of the Indrath Clan haven't thought of something like that... oh wait, they have!"

"Yes, I remember the story. The elders of the Indrath Clan attempted to form a core out of pure aether within the body of an infant clan member that was born without a core.

"Wow, my nephew you never told your uncle these stories I would love to know such stories." Alaric with a sly grin spoke

"Where in the world did you even hear that professor" Aphene asked in wonder

"Where indeed." Grey had no intention of answering her.

Aphene's mouth snapped shout

And Disappointed sighs collectively echoed

You literally just told me." "And what did we learn from that story?" Regis asked, as if he were speaking to an infant himself.

I sighed. "That the baby was met with a grisly death." "So why are you still trying to do this?" Regis seethed.

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