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E/N: No reaction, this chapter only bringing the alacryans and a talk between Virion and Zero.

After the intense drama which had left everyone with severe trauma 'Zero' dismissed everyone to their rooms.

While everyone had left 'Virion' was still seated in the theatre with a single question bugging his mind......When had these events occurred exactly, the death of Olivia, Vera, Nico, ...etc. When did this take place? Arthur was with them for 4 years.

That is until he turned 8. So when did these events take place before he met them? But that's not possible he would be too young at that age perhaps during his adventure days but wasn't there a guardian with him during that time so when? This question was frustrating him there were still many questions unanswered like 'Wilthom Academy' as far as he remembered there wasn't any Academy like that.

Even if you would say that it was perhaps not well-known or it might be from a small village an Academy is still an Academy no matter what so there should be some records or files about it but he didn't come across this 'Wilthom Academy' while going through the files of all the academies to assign soldiers to reduce possible racial conflicts and there was no 'Wilthom' in any of the records where shut down academies were kept.

He was having a headache trying to get to the bottom of this. He wasn't sure how to feel about all this.

"You know...I always thought I knew everything about Arthur and that there was nothing that I didn't but it seems I actually don't know anything about him."

Zero hummed in acknowledgment and stayed silent for a while before collecting his thoughts and speaking.
"Virion to be honest I always saw Arthur as someone who was your parallel." Virion unsure of what to say kept silent and let 'Zero' speak.

"Arthur Leywin this guy has almost experienced all that you have, he is the only person on this continent that can understand you, relate to you, your pain, suffering, joy, anger, disgust, envy, Loathing, fear, shame, guilt, disappointment and...despair."

'Virion' frowned once again unable to understand how he ('Arthur') could relate to him so well he could understand relating to some emotions he can entirely relate and understand him. How? How Can he understand him? Why? Why can he understand him? What exactly has he gone through? My mind had become a mess once again.

*snap!* zero snapped his finger as a mana-condensed ball the size of a football came into existence. 'Virion' could feel himself suddenly getting better by the second the moment that mana-condensed ball started emitting gentle mana waves his fatigue and stress disappeared as if they never existed.

"Thank you..." Virion breathed out in relief and closed his eyes relishing in this calm and serene atmosphere that he didn't remember having ever since his dear wife left him. A strong yet gentle grip on his shoulder made his eyes open as he stared at 'Zero' sitting next to him and gripping his shoulder.

With a slight pause 'Zero' began "...Listen 'Viron' I know that you have a lot of questions and I will only say that they will be cleared as we continue watching 'Arthurs's' life but I just want you to tell this..."

"As we dive deeper into 'Arthurs' past many things will be revealed things which may make you feel shocked, admired, and betrayed... But I want you to remember one thing once everything has been laid bare and you get to know this existence known as 'Arthur Leywin' I want you to judge if you can still call him your family and if you can still trust him... Also, I want you to know this even though I said he is your parallel fundamentally you both are different, 'Virion' when you despaired when you felt nothing but anger and hatred when you wanted to destroy everything and everyone there were people for you who you wanted to protect and who wanted to protect you too and you vowed to right your wrong by protecting the few you hold dear to you."

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