"The first tragedy" part 1.

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AS I TUMBLED through the hole, I spread my arms and legs, desperately trying to find anything to grab to stop myself from becoming a splatter mark on the ground. The rubble falling around me kept me from stabilizing myself, but finally, my right hand latched onto a tree root jutting out into the opening.

"An amazing start I have to say, so context?" Elijah said exasperated wondering how every event had Arthur in a life-threatening state

"There was a dungeon dive organized to a dungeon named Widows Crypt. It was supposed to be an E- rank with nothing but snarls in them but as you know how terrible Arthurs's luck is. The E-rank suddenly became an A-rank due to the appearance of 2 queen snarls. And then shit went down with Arthur trying to protect everyone.

"God damn it! Arthur! Can you for once fucking think about yourself what is with you always trying to protect everyone and you almost dying every time can't you for once be selfish and think for yourself!" Elijah couldn't hold it in and ended up yelling.

Arthur had his eyes wide hearing Elijah though others didn't say anything Arthur knew that they had the same opinion. In the end, he didn't say and only nodded giving an empty smile.
'I have been selfish Elijah very very selfish and my selfishness killed millions' Arthur thought with a hollow laugh.

Unfortunately, that was also the arm that had been dislocated during the battle, so the sudden jolt sent a sharp pain up my arm and made me wish I'd just fallen flat on the ground instead.
I was dangling helplessly by my right arm, which felt as if it were going to rip off at any moment. I couldn't see anything at all; the gap through which I'd fallen was choked with dust and dark as night. Gathering my wits, I reached up to grasp the root with my left arm to relieve some of the pain, while I desperately sent Sylvie a mental transmission.
Sylv. Are you there? I fell quite a ways, but I'm still okay. Do you sense where I am?

I waited for a minute but there was no response-I couldn't even sense my bond. I began worrying that something had happened to her, but with the queen snarler dead and the rest trapped inside the dungeon, it was unlikely. It was more reasonable to conclude that either I was too far down, or that this area was warded off and sealed from the outside-or more accurately, the surface.
Given the extent of my drop, I doubted I was on any of the floors immediately below, making me wonder if the explosion had unveiled a hidden passage to some room somewhere inside the dungeon.
I thought back to the explosion caused by the mutated queen snarler.

It was strange-the blast was large, but I got the feeling that the explosion hadn't been meant to kill whoever was near it. If that were the case, Professor Glory and I would be in a much worse state.
Gritting my teeth, I resisted the temptation to just let go and leave my fate up to the gods of this world.
After a quick assessment of my body-which was in fairly good shape other than my right shoulder-I tried to survey my surroundings, but I couldn't see a thing. It wasn't simply dark; it was pitch black. That feeling when you shut your eyes so hard that it seemed like different lights were oozing around in your vision or the sensation that no matter how hard you squinted, your eyes couldn't adjust-that was what I was experiencing.

As I activated my mana rotation, I redirected the mana I had covering my body to only my left arm. I had to use this "break time" to gather as much mana as I could. I augmented what little mana I had into my eyes in hopes of seeing something, but I was rewarded with only darkness.
I'm not blind... am I? I augmented my eyes again.

Just to ease my anxiety, I broke one of the most basic rules in a situation like this-I produced a small fire on the tip of my right index finger.
Looking at the warm red and orange flicker of fire on my fingertip, I breathed a sigh of relief, then extinguished the flame.
While the vision was important, the last thing I wanted to do in a dark place like this was draw attention to myself. Now that any enemies here knew my location, I needed to move.
Since I couldn't see, I used wind to sense the type of space I was in. I had no idea how narrow or wide this hole was, but I assumed it wasn't too wide since I had hit quite a few objects along the way while falling.
Sending out short, soft bursts of wind around me, I calculated that this shaft,

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