Tom Branson Falls Down The Stairs

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Tom hit his head as he fell down the stairs. It knocked him unconscious and he lay motionless on the carpet.

"Tom?" Matthew asked as he came out of the library and saw him. "Good Lord, Tom are you alright?" Matthew asked as he went to him. "Tom, it's Matthew, can you hear me? Tom? Oh no," Matthew said and he stood up to go to the servants quarters. Thankfully, he saw Thomas and he went over to him. "Thomas, can you call for the doctor?"
"Of course. What's happened my Lord?"
"Mr Branson is unconscious, I fear he has fallen down the stairs."
"I will call for him now."
"Thank you," Matthew said and he went back over to Thomas Branston. "Tom, can you hear me? Mr Branson?"
"Thank goodness. Tom, it's Matthew. Don't move, you've been unconscious."
"What... happened?" Tom asked Matthew slowly.
"I'm not sure. Can you remember anything? Did you fall?"
"I... I'm not sure."
"Alright, just relax," Matthew said and he put his hand onto Tom's back as Thomas joined him.
"The doctor is on the way. Is there anything that I can do to help?"
"Fetch some water, a glass and a cloth. There is some blood under Mr Branson's head and he's starting to wake up."
"Very well," Thomas said before he left.
"What time is it...?" Branson asked.
"Late enough that everyone is in bed. What can you remember?"
"I was standing and I... there were noises, and then everything went black."
"You mostly likely did fall."
"I've got the water my Lord."
"Very good. Thank you Thomas. Can you sit up? That's it," Matthew said as Tom started to sit up.
"Let me sir," Thomas said and he knelt beside Tom, letting him rest against him.
"Do you feel sick or dizzy Tom?" Matthew asked as he started to clean his wound.
"Dizzy. But not too sick."
"Not too sick?"
"I see."
"Argh! That stings."
"It will do."
"How long was he unconscious for my Lord?"
"I do not know Thomas, but it was long enough."
"Are you fetching the doctor?" Tom asked them.
"He has been called."
"He will be here shortly."
"I hope so," Matthew replied to Thomas and they tended to Tom until the doctor arrived.

"Lie down."
"Thank you," Tom said as the doctor and Matthew helped him to live back onto his bed.
"I will be back in the morning to see how Mr Branson is doing."
"Very well. I will stay with him in case we have missed something."
"As I have said, I don't believe there is anything to be concerned about. The injury to his head will heal in time and as long as he gets enough rest, he will make a full recovery."
"Thank you," Matthew said and the doctor left.
"You're not really going to stay with me?" Tom asked Matthew.
"Of course I am. I'm worried about you."
"What about Lady Mary?"
"She is already sleeping. Now, get some rest."
"Alright. Thank you Matthew."
"It's my pleasure. I only want to see you become well once more."
"Thank you for finding me. I was in a rather vulnerable state."
"Unconscious by the stairs? Yes, I would say so. It did worry me when I saw you."
"I am sorry for causing you concern."
"It's alright. You are going to be well, and that is all that matters."
"Thank you."
"You have said that many times. Sleep now."


"He's in here," Mary said as she found Matthew asleep on the chair. "Matthew. Wake up," Mary said as she shook him and Matthew came to. "What happened? Why are you in here?"
"Why is Matthew in your room Tom?" Lord Grantham asked as he came in with his family.
"You have injured your head. Are you alright?" Cora asked.
"I'm alright. I fell down the stairs last night and Matthew has been looking after me."
"Are you badly hurt?"
"Have you seen the doctor?"
"Doctor Clarkson came round last night," Matthew said as he sat upright. "There's no serious damage and Tom needs rest."
"I see."
"He is coming round this morning. To check and see how I'm doing."
"Alright. Cora, can you call and ask one of the maids to take care of Tom."
"I can do that."
"We're going to London today Edith. We can ask Anna to look after Tom."
"You called my Lord," Mrs Hughes said as she came in.
"Yes. Can you fetch Anna Mrs Hughes? Mr Branson has had a fall and I would like her to keep an eye on him."
"I have given Anna the day off my Lord, she and Mr Baits have something important planned for today."
"What is it?"
"I am able to watch Mr Branson in her stead. Is he alright?"
"I'm alright Mrs Hughes."
"He's got an injury to his head and needs rest. Otherwise, he seems to be alright," Matthew told Mrs Hughes.
"Very well. I will fetch some water and a cloth and be back up in a moment."
"Thank you Mrs Hughes," Lord Grantham said and she left them.

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