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July 2022

"One more time, Sky."

"I'm trying!"

"Try harder then," Alfie asked calmly, sitting on the porch and sipping his coffee as I tried to cast elemental charms.

Not only was my entire body whining on the inside (yes, whining precisely), but also, my wand found a perfect time to disobey me. I really didn't need that, but life loved trapping me in devil's circles, so I suppose there's once again no way out. With that thought in my head, I attempted to cast another primitive spell, only for my wand to jump out of my hand and roll somewhere far away on the ground. I groaned irritably and collapsed on the porch beside Alfie, resting my head on my knees.

"Let's face it," I sighed. "I am no longer capable of doing magic. It's over."

"Oh, come on darling-"

"No," I cut Alfie off, "I'll drop out of Hogwarts, go to muggle art school and live a peaceful life. Maybe it was meant to be like this. Maybe I'll get some harmony back into my life now."

"Or maybe," Alfie caressed my back reassuringly, "you just need to be gentler on yourself and not jump to any conclusions just yet."

"Alfie, we've been practising for days, if not weeks," I whined, looking up at him. "This is it."

"Just hear me out, please," he hurried. "If I can't convince you after this, I promise I won't say anything else and let you live the life you have already planned for yourself."

I groaned, "Ugh, fine!"

He beamed, "Thank you!"

I had to note this moment down. It's a rare case to see Alfie being so... childish? I don't know how else to put it into words.

"The thing is, Sky," he started, snapping me out of my thoughts, "you were born with an immensely powerful kind of magic inside you. You've inherited it from your mum, but since your dad was already born in a wizarding family and knew how to control his, it got uh tamed in a way.

"Your mum was always great with wandless magic, because it felt more natural. It is actually what I'm working on right now so that I can finally prove to the ministry that the school should introduce the wandless practice of magic to students starting from the early academic years and that the students should always have the right to choose between these two options.

"But back to my point. When you lashed out, you let your magic off the leash. So, it is only natural you can't connect to it straight away, especially with a wand, considering it is only a communication mean between you and magic. It wants a natural bond, meaning you won't reach out to it with the help of your wand. You'll need to work on that, of course, unless you are completely sure you want to give up."

I sat there for a moment, letting my brain digest everything Alfie said. Partially, I knew giving up wouldn't lead to anything, because, whether I liked it or not, I was born a witch. It's not like I can stop myself from doing magic, that is, unless there's some sort of kryptonite meant to take it away from me. But if I put this aside, I'm also a witch with malfunctioning magic. So, I guess by giving up and by letting the lash-outs occur whenever they like and putting people's lives in danger, I won't do a great thing either.

I sighed deeply, rubbed my face with my palms and said, "So all I need now is practice and patience?"

"And a stabiliser," Alfie added.

"What the hell is that?" I looked at him in utter confusion.

"Uh, do you need a dictionary definition or-"


"Right, got it," he said. "There are many kinds of stabilisers for various purposes, but the critical element in all of them is keeping something under control. In your case, it will help you keep your magic stable and hopefully prevent your lash-outs, minimise its effect at least."

"Oh, ew," I grimaced. "It means I'll be put on the leash in a way."

"Wha- no!" Alfie rushed to say. "Not at all. You'll be the one controlling yourself."

"I just really don't like being put in frames or anything like that," I mumbled.

"I know, darling," he said softly, stroking my back again. "But we'll make the one that doesn't overwhelm you, yeah? It'll be okay. And so will you."

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you," I half-whispered.

He chuckled slightly, "Anything for you."

I smiled, closing my eyes, and let myself rest a little longer before going back to practising. Alfie didn't have much free time left either, so I had to make sure to make the most out of what we'd left for today.

"Right," I stood up carefully a bit later, "trying out wandlessly now? Though, I must say, I have no clue how to do that."

"That's something you start learning in year six, but only if you choose Charms as your N.E.W.T.s subject," Alfie said. "Or, when you fail it in your O.W.L.s, because then you'll have it as a mandatory subject next year. You need to pass Charms one way or the other, since many employers require your skills with it."

"Got it," I said. "I hope I passed mine, but I still don't mind learning wandless magic!"

"You're lucky to have me, then," he grinned. "Let's start."

I giggled, and we got back to our training.

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