
31 4 59

June 2022
It's a miracle McGonagall didn't expel me. The only thing I know for sure is that now the school not only hates me, which is probably fair, considering I lashed out at one of the most popular quidditch players among the students, but it's also QUITE afraid of me, because again, I gave Aaron a near-death experience.

I shouldn't have done that. I. Absolutely. Should. Not. Have. Done. That.

But, using time-turner might cause even more damage, so I guess I'll now need to live with my newly-found reputation and not so creative name - Stormy Sky.

If all of this is put aside, though, I have a feeling I somehow caused myself even more damage than the possible use of the time-turner would. It's as if my magic started to slip away. It was never great anyways, but now it actually felt like it leaked out, leaving me weaker and weaker with every passing day. I didn't tell Dad, because I knew I might as well be merely overthinking, and I wouldn't want to bring any more problems on his already overloaded plate.

Enough of this. All is well. All will be well. If I keep focusing on the negative stuff happening in my life, I won't gain anything but energy depletion.

Having your best friends (especially the ones who are also your godsiblings) as your neighbours definitely has its advantages. I was home alone, and I wasn't leaving for Italy in another week, so texted Lexi and Lucas to come over. They were my ride or die folks, and I was grateful they kept having my back even when I was impossible to tolerate.

While I was waiting for them, I went outside and sat on the porch with my sketchbook to kill some time, but that didn't last long, because Luka, Dad's husky, approached me and lay down with his head on my laps. Aww, such a cuddle bug.

I put my belongings on the floor and did what Luka loved the very most - giving head scratches.

Despite being born a dog, Luka had a very catlike nature. I swear to Merlin's grave I can hear him purr sometimes, and I'm sure as hell I've seen him make air biscuits here and then.

"You're such a baby, aren't you?" I cooed, petting him. I leaned down to peck his nose, "My big baby fur-ball."

Luka sat up and licked my cheek in response and got back on my lap, lying on his back this time. As I gave him belly rubs, I noticed the fence gate open and saw Lexi and Lucas.

"Hey hey, mini Lu!" Lucas laughed as he approached us and leaned down to give Luka belly rubs as well. He then turned to face me, offering me a smile, "Hey, Sky."

"Ugh, drop the formalities, for fuck's sake," Lexi rolled her eyes, collapsing right beside me and causing me to chuckle. "Seriously, though! We've known each other since we were in diapers after all!"

"It never hurts to be polite, Lex," Lucas shrugged his shoulders. "You should try that too. Who knows? Maybe then you'll find yourself a boyfriend at last?"

"You did not just-"

Oh boy. Here we go again.

Joke's on you, because we don't. I can't deal with a sibling fight right now.

"Right, shush, both of you," I raised my hand, and they both went quiet. "I'd appreciate it if you leave all that bickering for sometime later and most preferably away from me."

"Sorry," they both mumbled.

"No biggie," I said. "Now, tell me, what's your plan for summer?"

"Undecided yet," Lexi sat up with her legs crossed. "Honestly, it depends if Dad makes it out of the hospital. Dude has been working almost non-stop for a couple of weeks now."

"Tough times, yeah," Lucas added, scratching behind Luka's ear.

"Tell me about it," I rolled my eyes and sighed, reminiscing my dad's situation, which didn't have that much difference from Uncle Charlie's unless it's career-wise.

Matteo Moretti is one hell of a workaholic, and that's completely regardless of what kind of job he does. Even while working as a curse-breaker back in the days, he would pull occasional all-nighters to get done with the cases as soon as possible. And now that he's taken over Nonno's business and put his plan on expanding all over the world to action, I get a feeling the man knows no sleep.

And with mum's disappearance, well... It's not easy, especially when he's sent the aurors from various ministries around the globe to find her and still hasn't got a result. He tries to fill every possible void, either by being occupied with me or his business matters, just so that he doesn't get a spare moment to think about her too much. Because when he does, it's hard to pull him back.

That's what love is capable of. It's so great that it overwhelms. Its power is so strong that, use it wrongly, you'll be almost destroyed.

"You'll be heading to Italy like always, won't you?" Lexi snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh- oh, yeah," I replied in a rush. I let out a small chuckle afterwards, "Where else would we go anyways?"

Because aunties Ally and Lea will be travelling as well, and there is no way I'm going to spend my summer with Uncle Aiden's family. Not when Aaron will breathe the same air as mine.

"I think," Lucas moved closer to us as Luka went back to his corner, "we should travel together sometime soon. Like back then in the good old days."

"And hear you snore? No thanks," I laughed as Lucas rolled his eyes, chuckling along.

"I had an allergy! I never snore!"

"Dude, I had to put my noise-cancelling headphones on so that I couldn't hear all that symphony," Lexi called him out.

"Oh, fuck off!" Lucas flipped her off.

"Only after you!" Lexi murmured.

There we go again. Love them for that, though. Because sometimes, all you need is childish bickering and a good laugh to wash all your problems away.
Author's note:
Lucas and Alexandra (Lexi) Matthews belong to my beloved voldyxsnape <3

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