"Tell me what your medium does. You always keep it close to you so I'm curious." Simon asked as he locked eyes with his friend. Gawain sighed at the request. "Is that really all?" Gawain had looked down at the book he held in his hand. It was an all black book with an infinity symbol on the front and back. He then got ready to say something until the lights in the diner's lights began to flicker. Simon looked around as the two mage's heard screaming and chaos from outside. "Leave out the back and keep running!" Simon said as he and Gawain ran outside to the streets.

"Looks like you're gonna find out what my medium does real soon." Gawain said as his book opened. Simon grabbed his gun from the holster and the two got at the ready as a dark humanoid figure walked up the street towards them. All the civilians at this point had escaped and cleared the area. "No civs around means I don't have to hold back." Simon spoke confidently before his stomach growled. Suddenly he gained immense stomach pains that forced him to the ground as he held his stomach.

"Is that hunger? Mmmmm- hunger is a satisfying feeling for me to consume." The demon spoke as it became visible to both of the mages. "Pale skin, black eyes, claws, and 3 horns.....that's definitely a demon." Gawain said as he looked at his book the pages began to flip before they then stopped. "Ah your the hunger demon." Gawain said as he finally closed his book and pulled out a shortsword from seemingly nowhere. The demon looked at Gawain in confusion before Gawain rushed at the demon and swung his blade. The hunger demon jumped back but only narrowly dodged the attack as he felt blood leak from his chest.

"Why does my ability not effect you?! Aren't you hungry just like your friend?" The demon yelled out in annoyance. Gawain rushed forward once more not answering the question then he proceeded to suddenly speed up as he plunged the shortsword right into the demon's heart. Gawain would then pin the demon to the ground using the shortsword to keep him from moving but it looked like he was dead to him so Gawain just walked away. "You okay Simon?" Gawain asked his friend who simply stood up and put his gun away. He looked angry. "Hey man...what's wrong?"

"THAT SON OF A BITCH MADE ME SO HUNGRY I DIDN'T GET TO SEE WHAT YOUR MEDIUM DOES!!!!" Simon yelled out as he stomped on the ground. "What's even worse is that I am still hungry." Simon complained as Gawain smiled at his friend and handed him a granola bar. Simon sighed as he took it from Gawain. "Thanks." He responded as the two awaited the arrival of mages. They hadn't waited long as a group of people in black uniforms with white and red emblems on their chest approached. They had black sticks hanging of the side of their waists as they flooded the area.

"Alright people let's fan out! The demon probably went through the sewers so I need a bunch of you crawling through sewage right now!" A man with a very similar uniform approached but over this uniform he had a white coat over it. His hair was tied up in a messy bun and he had an intense after shave. "Well if it isn't Instructor Cross! Good to see ya instructor." He said as he placed a hand on Simon's shoulder. His eyes then locked onto Gawain's. "And who's your friend?" He said as he stared at Gawain.

"Detective Boris, this is Gawain. Gawain, Detective Boris of the ACPD or The Ark City Police Department if you prefer the long version." As Simon introduced the two, Boris held his hand out. "Might fine work son. The Hunger Demon has recently become a big problem for us. Despite his not so intimidating ability it's still a potent one." Boris said as Gawain had shook his hand. "No problem detective. It's completely understandable that he is a slippery one. If it wasn't for my medium then I would probably have been under the same effects as Simon here." Gawain said jokingly.

"Simon was affected by The Hunger Demon?" Detective Boris questioned as he looked at Simon surprised. "I haven't eaten in 3 whole days. Not a full meal anyway. This smart mouth here needed an escort from Edensville so that he can take the Magic Instructor Qualification Exam." Simon said as Gawain looked at his book. "Damn it! Simon it's midnight! I have to go to sleep in order to wake up tomorrow. Gimme the hotel's address." Gawain spoke with such panic, Simon almost forgot where he put the address slip. He pulled it out of his pants pocket and gave it to Gawain who just read it and gave it back. He then ran off in the direction of the hotel.

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