Prelude I

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What is a soul?

A soul is the confirmation of one's existence and life.

What's a fiend?

A fiend is an entity that lacks a soul but seeks to create one

What's a demon?

A demon is a fiend that, through the negative thoughts and actions of humans, creates a soul and gains existence.

"GREAT JOB GAWAIN!!! You're gonna do great on that exam!" A boy said to Gawain as he slapped his shoulder. Gawain dropped his textbook in front of him as the subway they were on came to a sudden stop. "I don't think so Simon. The magic instructor qualification exam has a 5% pass rate and....and!" Simon covered his friends mouth to stop him from talking as he could tell the frustration was getting to him. The two grabbed their bags and walked off of the subway right before the doors closed.

"I'll tell ya what. We can go over the basics one last time. You always say not to underestimate simplicity." Simon said as he fixed a special looking belt on his waist. This belt had a gun in a special looking holster attached to it. "You know before the discovery of magic open carrying of a weapon had restrictions against it?" Gawain said as he looked at the gun closely. Simon pushed his face away in annoyance as the two started to walk. "You're too close to my medium weirdo!" Simon complained as the two young men walked up the stairs that lead straight out of station they were in. Simon looked all around for a place that looked good for grabbing a bite but he had no luck.

"I can't help but look at your medium! It's literally a gun! Even more surprising is that your medium isn't even an item type it's a spe-" As Gawain spoke he was quickly cut off as Simon placed his hand over his friend's mouth once again. "You know you can't just announce stuff like that out loud right. We're not trying to draw attention to ourselves in the largest city on Gaia!" Simon said as he let out a sigh and kept walking. "Since you wanna talk about mediums then give a run down on wands and mediums." Simon said as he continued looking around. Gawain's response to this was simple. He would push his glasses up and smile at the challenge. "A wand is a basic tool that allows for a mage in training to practice the 3 focuses of mana: Attack, Defense, and Utility. Once a trainee masters these uses and gains enough experience they develop a Medium. A Medium is a mage's personal tool to utilize their magical ability. Medium's have 3 types: Item types which are essentially weapons with effects, Entity types which are living creatures such as familiars, and Special types that don't function like the other two and have more miscellaneous uses. A mage can-"

"Alright!!! I think you know the basics." Simon said as he cut Gawain off. The reason he cut his friend off was because he saw a place to eat. A nice diner that seemed empty right now but the place wasn't closed. Simon began to feel his stomach growl as he pulled his information obsessed friend behind him. The two young men walked into the diner and grabbed a seat. Simon picked up a menu and immediately looked through it with hunger in his eyes. Gawain was more focused on a waitress that locked eyes with him. He began to look away. "No Gawain. Do not feed into the temptation that blonde haired women expose you to. Be strong. Be strooooong." Gawain's dramatic speech to himself did no favors for him as he saw another beautiful woman through the window next to him. "Simon, I think we've made it to heaven."

Simon scoffed at the idea as he saw his friend have goo goo eyes over women once again. The ebony haired mage had his eyes roam a book that Gawain held close to him at all cost. It seemed more important to him than his textbook which Gawain faithfully read everyday. "Hey, Gawain. How about I pay for our meal?" Simon said with a smile on his face. This broke Gawain out of a trance he was in and look at Simon with a slight look of irritation. "And what do you want me to do in exchange for you paying for our meal?" Gawain acted this way because Simon was a wannabe loan shark. He would do acts of kindness and force people to owe him afterwards. Anything to make money but in this case he was gonna spend money in order to gain something.

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