With each step he took towards his form that laying on the hospital bed. His heart speeds up ten folds.

His eyes were cast down until he was beside his bed. That is when he took in a breath and slowly lifted his honey orbs.

His eyes racked over an IV that was inserted on his hand. The hands were tan and manly, they look large and calloused. The same hands that loved him so much.

His eyes slowly trailed to his chest that was heaving up and down slowly in a rhythm, telling him that he's alive.

He was definite that he have a sharp jaw. His eyes then landed on the chapped lips, his lips which made him squirm and feel loved.

A perfect straight nose with high cheekbones. And then his eyes landed on his but closed one. His lashes thick but not as thick as him. But his dark eyebrows were thicker and then those beautiful soft hair, he has touched few times.

Tae eyes were wide as he took everything feature in like a deserted man, who's thirsty for years. His eyes moving at every feature of his again and again, drinking in like if any moment he closed his eyes he'll vanish.

When he saw a drop on his cheek, he was confused but when another drop fall near the first one, then Tae realized that he's hovering over his face and it's his tears that are keep on falling. That was the moment he realized that he was crying all along.

Slowly his trembling hand raised up and his fingers slightly traced his eyebrow, and he abruptly stopped as his eyes teared up more.

Closing his eyes tae breathed in deeply and then touched his face like he did once when he was blind and a soft crying laugh escaped his lips.

He's far more beautiful than his imagination, or he should say handsome.

Slowly his soft white hand caressed Kook's cheek and then with his thumb, he caressed his closed eyelid. How tae wished he could see him.

His thumb caressed his lashes and then his eyebrow. He then traced his cheekbone with his knuckles and then softly caressed his jaw as tae thumb touched his lips, slowly he drew a circle there.

Unknowingly he moved down on his own. And his soft trembling lips landed on his cold ones, and he pecked him with all the love he has.

Again Tae tear fell just on his eyelash making him smile sadly. Cupping kook's face in his small hands, he gave a hearty kiss on his bandaged forehead.

He didn't look all that dominant and rugged person he used to imagine but looked like an angel to him.

His lips then landed on his cheek as he kissed him there. "P-please wake up J-Jungkook." He mumbled softly with trembling lips. Tae heart crying in his chest.

He then slowly kissed his other cheek. "P-please come b-back to me." He whispered softly as tears kept on pouring.

His lips landed on his closed eyes one by one. "Show me your b-beautiful eyes J-Jungkook." He mumbled almost brokenly as he moved back and sat on the stool.

His teary eyes took his complete form in. His forehead was bandaged completely, small cuts on his face that were coated in his own dried blood. Scratches on his arms and bandages on an elbow. His one foot was covered in complete bandages and was placed on a soft high surface. And he was sure that his torso was also wrapped in bandages under that hospital shirt.

Never he thought that the day he'll see him for the first time will be like this. He wanted to make it beautiful and gather every bit memory of that moment in his heart. But every time nothing goes as we yearned for it. That's why it is life.

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