"What does the black one taste like?" 

"Oddly, like vanilla."

He snickers. Chat puts a spoonful of blueberry in his mouth then says,"How does the Louvre so-"

The cat is cut off by a group of tourists. "Look, it's Chat Noir!" They all start taking pictures at once, coming up to him for selfies too.

Marinette doesn't know what she expected to happen, but the crowd of people hovering over her date wasn't one of them. Chat extends his baton, jumping to the far end of the area. She runs to him and they go airborne, escaping his entourage. 

She squeals, still not used to someone else being in control of the fancy air movements. Her phone vibrates in her purse. She pulls it out, her ice cream slipping from her grasp. 

"Hey," she answers Alya's call.

"Girl, when were you going to tell me that you're dating CHAT NOIR?" 

Screaming the last part, Marinette almost drops her phone.

"Um, it's kinda new. Can I call you later?"

"Fine, but I want all the details."

"Okay, bye."


Rain trickles from the sky. Marinette and Chat Noir look at each other in disbelief. They finally go on a date and are met with every challenge. Chat takes her back home. Inside she gives him a towel to dry his hair and goes to change out of her wet clothes. When she returns, she's carrying a blanket.

She locks eyes with Chat Noir, who's still drying his hair. They share a silent understanding. Despite the rain ruining their plans, their date isn't over.

"Looks like our outdoor adventure got cut short," Marinette says with a smile, spreading the blanket on the floor. "But that doesn't mean we can't have an indoor picnic, right?"

Chat Noir's offers her a dashing smile. "That sounds absolutely purrfect, princess."

She sneaks a few items from the bakery, setting them on the blanket. The two sit opposite another. Their fingers brush against one another as they reach for the same eclair, a spark of electricity flittering between them.

"For you, m'lady." 

"Thank you." Marinette accepts the baked good, taking a bite. "How about we share it? Have a bite," she holds the eclair out, ready to feed it to him.

He sticks his neck out, taking a bite. "Wow, this is so good! Marinette, your parents food never ceases to amaze me."

The rain continues to pour outside, the rhythm creating a soothing backdrop to their evening. Chat Noir gazes at Marinette, a mix of emotions flickering in his eyes she can't decipher. What's going on? He looks like he's about to say something. Has she done something wrong? Oh, lord- could he have decided that after their date he wants to stay friends? Her mind runs rampant until he takes a deep breath.

She feels like she might faint and not in a lovesick kind of way.

"Marinette," he begins, steadying his breath. "I need to tell you something."

Her heart does jumping jacks, scaring her silly. "What is it, Chat?"

He reaches out, gently taking her hand in his, and their fingers intertwine. His touch feels electric, sending shivers down their spines. She's so nervous she doesn't know what to do.

"Spending this time with you, getting to know the real you, has made me realize something."

He's really going to friend zone her. She'd only told herself that to lower her own expectations, but, oh boy, it's really happening.

"Chat, please don't tell me you're going to rip my heart out."

He crinkles his face at her. "Wait, what?"

Marinette's flustered. That was meant to be an inside thought, an inner plea she was hoping would him. How can she explain her way out of this? 

"I'm sorry, sorry," she shakes her head. "Um, please just continue. I didn't mean to say that aloud."

He clears his throat, still thrown off. "Well, Marinette, I like spending time with you," he pauses, eyeing her closely. "And I, uh, like being with you, because I like you."

She blinks a few times, waiting for the camera men to scream Got You and Chloe to have a smug look on her face somewhere. But it doesn't happen.

Chat continues. "I like you so much that I can't stand the thought of sharing you."

She opens her mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. 

"I want you to be my girlfriend."

Marinette is so happy she believes her heart will burst. She flings herself into his arms, placing kisses across his face. 

"Is that a yes?"

"Duh, you stupid kitty."

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