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"One more kiss?"

"Jamie," Tate grinned, watching as he pouted out his bottom lip at her from the driver's seat of his car. "How starved of my affection are you? You've said that three times already, and we're going into the restaurant together."

Sam had offered to host dinner at his restaurant, even though it wasn't technically open yet, and Jamie had driven them both. It wouldn't be a surprise to anyone when they walked in side-by-side, but she knew she would get some pointed stares from Keeley and Rebecca.

"Yeah, but, you won't let me kiss you in there." He huffed, not denying that he had been extra clingy during the recent weeks. Since Zava had joined the team and led Richmond through a string of wins, Jamie frowned deeper and spent more time at her side than she had originally thought possible.

"Baby," She taunted, rolling her eyes playfully as she leaned over the center console and gave him the kiss he had been after. And really, she wasn't going to put up much of fight whenever he wanted some affection. "Alright, come on, Sam's already texted me making sure we're still coming."

"Is Zava in there?" Jamie asked, the disdain far from hidden in his tone. Tate ignored his question, having already confirmed four times for him that Zava would, in fact, show up at one point, and climbed out of his car.

"You coming, Tartt?" She called out, standing on the curb and waiting not-so patiently for Jamie to follow after her.

By the time he had reached where she stood, Sam had sent a second text asking when they would be there, and Tate wrapped her arm around Jamie's to pull him in the direction of the restaurant.

"I don't want to talk to that arrogant prick," Jamie grumbled, clearly still upset about Zava. She could see the physical toll the frustration was having on him, but she wasn't sure how to fix it. Zava was a part of Richmond, and so was Jamie, but only one of them was putting up points currently.

"I didn't want to talk to this one arrogant prick two seasons back, but it worked out alright for me, I think." She teased, a lightness to her tone that she hoped would help pick up his spirits. Jamie shot her a look, clearly offended that she would compare him to his current on-team rival.

"I'm not gonna fuck Zava, if that's what you're getting at."

"That's not what I meant, and you know it," Tate snorted a laugh at the way his face scrunched up in disgust at the thought. Sam's restaurant, Ola's, was in sight, and she could see some of the team already seated around tables through the front window. "Why would I want you to fuck Zava?"

"I dunno, just figured that I was the arrogant prick you didn't want to talk to, and now we—"

"You're adorable, but you don't need to finish that thought," Tate interrupted, watching with a grin and a slight flush on her cheeks as he pulled open the door to the restaurant and held it open for her.

"Fucking right, I'm adorable." Jamie finally stopped pouting, his lips curved upwards for what felt like the first time in weeks as a result of her two-word compliment. Tate felt her own smile grow at the realization, but cheers from the rest of the team cut her off as they noticed their arrival.

Except for Dani, who seemed a little bummed that it was just them.

"Aw, I thought that Zava had finally arrived," Dani huffed, then held up a hand-woven bracelet similar to the one he wore daily. "I made him a friendship bracelet!"

And then Jamie was pouting again, slipping away from her side to more than likely go mope in a corner.

"How come you've never made me a friendship bracelet?" Tate taunted, forcing herself to not watch Jamie's retreat further into the restaurant and instead take the open seat between Colin and Dani.

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