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~Kunikida's old burnt notebook's POV~

Everyone was in their respective places regarding the mission. They were all waiting patiently for Goldwyn to return from wherever the fuck he is.

Minutes turn in to hours.

At around 4:00 (am) he finally returns, with a child in his hand. The child is crying with ductape over his mouth.
"Shut up" Goldwyn says, hitting the child in the face. That only made the child cry more, which angered him more. He picks up the child and throws him into a cell.
The child lands on his left arm and a crack is heard.

Everyone is getting more and more antsy read to beat the shit out of this guy. Because, who does that to a child?

A few minutes pass and Goldwyn is passed out in his computer chair. Apparently everyone decided to ditch the well constructed plan. Because things definitely go according to plan.

Kunikida runs up to the sleeping criminal gun pulled. He rests the gun on Goldwyn's head, ready to pull the trigger at any move.
"Get up you fucking bastard." Kunikida yells

Goldwyn disintegrated...
Or at least the illusion of him did.

"What the hell" Kunikida mumbles, stumbling back in surprise.
"Where did he go?" Junichiro yells running out towards Kunikida.
"Do I look like I know?" Kunikida shouts.
"Oh" Junichiro sighs

Goldwyn appears in the cell with the child, who had fallen asleep. He picks him up and chuckles. Now they were closer, they could see the child fully. The child was none other that Astushi.

"Atsushi!" Kunikida and Junichiro yell in unison. Both running towards the cell as fast as they could. Before they could even approach the cell Goldwyn and Atsushi disappeared.

"Goddammit!" Junichiro shouts
Yosano and Dazai having heard Atsu's name ran out to them in a panic.

"Why did you say 'Atsushi'?" Yosano asks.
"That was the child the fucker was abusing earlier!" Kunikida shouts then running off to find them.

Dazai was furious... He was beyond furious.
His eyes lost all light, they became dark and oh so cold. The look on his face sent chills down Yosano and Junichiro's spine. If looks could kill everyone in a 10 mile radious would be dead.

"Hey, hey, we'll find him- But you need to calm dow-" Junichiro stopped when Dazai's eyes were pointed towards him. He sqeaked and jumped back. Dazai left the room in search for Atsu.

Sometime later Kunikida found Goldwyn.
He pinned him down and handcuffed him. He called the others, while he was waiting for them to arrive he tied Goldwyn to a chair.

Yosano got there first, then Dazai, then Junichiro.

"Where is Atsushi- I swear to God if you hurt hi-" Yosano started shouting but was interrupted by Goldwyn's laugher.
"You think somthing she was funny?" Dazai glares at him.

"Haha no-no I just haha, looking at you so worried over a child!" He says gasping every few word for air.

Dazai draws a dagger from God knows were and impales him in the lower abdomen. He glares holes into the now cowering man.

"He's not just any child. Now, I've missed any important organs, and vital spots. Meaning you'll survive." Dazai stops for a moment, taking a deep breath. "You will tell me where atsushi is, or that will change." He finishes his sentence by shoving the blade deeper into the wounded criminal.

"He's with her" He says gasping for air.
"Haha good luck.... My ability isn't manipulating ages..." He pauses gasping for air. "Heh, mine is illusions" He says.

"Then who changed Atsushi into a child?" Junichiro asks confused.

"She did"

"Who is this woman you keep mentioning?" Yosano asks, stepping closer with her arms folded.

"Amelia, Amelia Evans" He says putting his head back on the headrest of the chair.
"Amelia? Wait- You mean that waiter that Eris was hitting on?" Dazai asks

"Yep that's the one." He says closing his eyes.
"Where can we find her?" Kunikida asks.
"When I asked her that, she said 'where cotton candy meets water'. Whatever the hell that means" He says with a snicker.

Immediately it dawns on Dazai, on what Amelia meant. Eris must have taken Amelia out and saw the same scenery as he and Atsu did with her, and wanted to show Astushi.

Dazai sighs and takes the knife out of Goldwyn's abdomen. He stabs him in the heart and backs up.
"Don't mistake this, your still a wanted criminal" Dazai says turning around.

"Do your thing" He says to Yosano walking out the room.

Hope yall enjoyed this chapter, and Dazai absolutely slaying! Anyways 774 words.

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