I'm sure Teddy is surviving just fine without his Xbox...only, i am met with a blank mind when i ask myself where he fits in here...

The residents also get the privilege of having their own room, which i soon learn upon being lead to Teddy's, and, once again, i am astonished when i see just how well their living conditions are.

The first thing i notice when walking into his room is that it is a far cry from his room at home, with a vase of Peace Lily by his bedside, as well as a sweet aroma of what must be Roses hitting my nostrils before i even set foot through the door.

The second thing i notice is that his bedroom is clean. And, having lived with him all of my life, i can confirm this is the first time i am able to see the floor of his living space.

And, lastly, i notice that there is a white board attached to the back of his door, containing a weekly schedule which has barely any room left to write on.

The room itself is, predictably, not large in size, but big enough to enjoy, nonetheless. And it's colour scheme consists of white as well as various different blues that one would find on a beach.

It is understated and, once again, nothing like his room at home, which consists of a rather dark colour scheme.

I can't imagine that he hates it, but i can't imagine that he loves it either.

It seems to me that it might be similar to staying in a hotel room, far away from home; comfy enough for the time being, but, as soon as the opportunity to go back home arises, it is will not be missed.

We are then lead to a room reserved for meetings like this one, which is designed to look as homey as possible, i suppose, with its colorful couches and bean bags.

Once again, a pleasant smell fills my nostrils as soon as i enter. Only, this time, it is just one vase i spot, sitting on the coffee table in the centre of the room, filled with a bouquet of Lavender.

On the coffee table, there is also an afternoon tea set up awaiting us, which reminds me of my trip to The Rooftop Cafe with Damiano. Though i'm sure nothing could beat the finger sandwiches i was served there...

"This is all a bit excessive," Vinnie says, as he looks around the room. "And where is Teddy, anyway?"

"He'll be here in a moment, i'm sure," Yakov answers.

I choose to sit in-between Wyatt and Vinnie, finding comfort in the fact that, unlike Zephaniah and Yakov, i can rely on them to behave as they normally do.

To the left of us, Uvaldo, Seamus, and Quentin inhabit the three bean bags, and Yakov and Xavi sit opposite us, leaving just one more couch by the doorway, which Zephaniah sits on.

Looking around at everyone's faces, i see the same gloomy expression.

"What happened?" a voice asks. "Did somebody die?"

My head shoots up in an instant at the sound of Teddy's voice, and there he stands in the entrance of the room.

He wears a loose-fitting, white linen shirt, paired with blue jeans and his favourite Nike sneakers; a gold chain hanging from his neck and a Cartier wristwatch to match.

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