Shadamy Week 2023 - Day 6 - Candlelight

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cover art by nvrfearthefall


Rose and I were having dinner together when the lights suddenly went off.

"...I think the power went out," I observed. 

"I can't see anything in this darkness!" Amy pouted. Her angry faces were always cute; I wished I could see her face better, but my night vision only allowed me to see the basic details of the darkness. I had adopted a bit of the night vision the Black Arms had, but seeing as I only had a bit of Black Doom's DNA, my night vision was weaker than most of the Black Arms'.

"I can see... a bit," I told her.

"Can you find a flashlight?" She asked me. I accepted.

After a minute of rummaging around, I found one. I flipped the switch but nothing happened.

"I don't think it works anymore."

Rose was silent for a moment. "I think candles are our best bet."


We set up candles around the table and a few around the house, careful not to place them in precarious places. I had to guide Amy's hands to the right places. She had insisted on helping, but I didn't mind.

Once we were done, I slowly lit the candles. One by one, they each added to the light produced by the other candles, producing a warming glow. It felt... magical. 

I took a look at Rose and my breath caught in my throat.

She was absolutely beautiful.

The glow from the candles illuminated her features, bouncing off of her smile. Her light pink fur looked to be much darker, with the candlelight bringing out enchanting highlights. Her eyes sparkled and virtually glowed with intensity and passion. Simply put, she was stunning, even more so under the romantic lighting cast by the candles. They put forward her beauty to be center-stage.

"-dow? Shadow?" 

I snapped back to reality hearing her gentle voice call to me. 

"Yes, Rose?"

"I was saying,"--She glanced at me, with a look in her eyes that demanded attention--"Our food's gone cold by now. I think we should wait until the power returns." 

"I agree." I nodded my head.

"Why don't we just talk instead? That'd be nice."

She sat down next to me on the couch and I shuffled closer. The warmth of our bodies was so much more enthralling than that of the candles.

We talked for a while, chatting about the most random things. 

Eventually, we stopped talking, just sitting there in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable by any means; rather, it was understanding and calm.

I eventually broke it, though.



"You look alluring."

I saw a blush spread across her cheeks. 

"Oh, you!" She giggled and held my hand.

I smiled and cupped her cheek. She understood and leaned in.

I then kissed her, and she did the same.

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