Shadamy Week 2023 - Day 1 - Immortality

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cover art by bonelessbastion


I hated thinking about my immortality. Or, more specifically, the mortality of others. After Maria's death, I was more afraid than ever about losing the ones I loved. So I shut myself off, in order to protect myself. 

You can't lose what you don't have.

At least, it was like that until... she decided to become a part of my life.

Her name was Amy Rose, and... she couldn't be more perfect. She was sweet, gentle, and beautiful. She reminded me of Maria in many ways.

I don't know what kept me coming back to visit her. She was fleeting, whereas I was not. Why was I risking affection?

I was pulled out of my thoughts by that melodic voice. "Shadow? What are you doing?"

"Thinking, is all." 

I saw Rose approaching out of the corner of my vision. "May I join you?" 


She shuffled close and sat next to me, looking up silently at the starry sky. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She delicately whispered, her soothing voice washing over my ears. She was comforting in many ways.

I took a look up as well. "Quite."

We sat together for a little while until she finally spoke up again.

"My parents used to tell me something to provide comfort after my pet turtle died. They said that every soul lives on in the stars, looking down and protecting us. That they would be there every step of the way, and that we would join them someday and dance among the galaxies together. Sometimes I feel their gaze as they watch me."

She pointed at a constellation in the sky.

"I believe that cluster of stars is my parents. Whenever I'm lonely, I remember they are always with me, no matter what."

I was silent for a moment. "That's nice to think about."

Maybe I didn't have to avoid love after all.

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