Chapter 4

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Daphne was sat with me on the bed that evening as I watched her fumble and play with her teddy bears whilst I was curled up with my knees tucked under my chin like a little girl. She offered one up to me and I took it, absent-mindedly joining in with the serene little game. My mind just kept drifting to the saddening fact that Daphne, too, would someday experience what I experienced today; just because of her sex.

I may have been overreacting, but I still felt pissed beyond belief. Hopefully these next few days would be brief.

The door opened and Daphne's head snapped round as she squealed, standing up and roughly lowering herself from the bed before toddling over to greet her "Dada" with outstretched arms.

I heard Link's voice sound from the entrance room before he walked in and I saw his gaze meet me in my peripheral vision.

"Hey. Are you feeling okay?" He asked, his voice collected and calm.

I shrugged, gathering Daphne's toys and walking to her room to put them away.

Daphne continued to jabber mindlessly.

"Listen, I need to talk to you." Link said.

"Yeah, well, go ahead." I walked towards the bathroom to brush my hair in the mirror.

"Look, you were completely invited to the rest of the meeting. Nobody would've belittled you."

"Didn't seem like it. You really think Lucius would allow me to sit in when he's talking?"

Link sighed, rubbing his forehead with his fingers before looking straight up again. "Look, I don't know what to do here. I'm at a loss. If I let him stay, I piss you off. If I make him go, I put the whole Kingdom in danger, and-"

Daphne ran into the bathroom, blathering loudly.

"Yeah, sweetheart, I'll be with you in a minute, okay?" Link carried her back onto our bed.

"I don't want you to make him leave." I called out before he returned back into the bathroom. "I just want you to talk to him. Let him know that this is your castle, not his."

"Right. Okay." Link sighed once more, accepting defeat. "I can do that, I guess."

"You can and you will, because you know I can't." I ordered. It was a given that Lucius would rather jump off a cliff than try to reason with any woman.

"Just..." Link began once more, his words slow and unsure. "Just please come to the meetings tomorrow, okay? Nobody's making you step out."

Me and Link did not sleep close to each other that night. We didn't even sleep facing one another. This was the beginning of the feud.

Forbidden Flame (Chapter II): A Zelink storyWhere stories live. Discover now