Chapter 1

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The world was very still.

The world had been relatively still for quite a long time now.

Ever since the end of the calamity, it had been our job to pick ourselves up along with our beloved kingdom. We fixed up the castle and even began rebuilding some of the more...ruined sites surrounding it.

Silence had settled on the kingdom; an unfamiliar, peaceful silence that lay thick on the battered ground.

My father had taken a good few weeks to isolate himself after the incident with Link. But after some thinking, he had come back to his daughter and given Link his blessing for marriage.

Nothing lasts forever, you see. Not even hatred.

The sun rose, as it did every morning. That was one thing that would never change; an eternal remainder from my past.

Another thing that wouldn't change was the arm wrapped around my waist and the bare chest pressed up against my back.

Yes, Link had been my best friend for the past six years since the marriage. Me and him argued every now and then, but he was truly such a softie at heart, I could never stay angry at him.

He had grown, (If possible), more protective of me these last few years. He had even become rather jealous every now and then, asking about the boys that I spoke to on the daily and making sure I didn't stay out too long incase I got myself caught up in "That type of crowd" and found myself in danger.  I knew it was just his way of expressing love, though. He didn't know anything other than protection.

I closed my eyes after a few seconds of peering out the window beside me.

Link stirred and nuzzled his head in my neck.

We continued to fall in and out of sleep like this for a few more minutes until an eruption of noise came pattering into our bedroom.

It took me a moment to break out of my dream as her little feet ran around our bed, and I snapped awake at the sound of her voice.

"Mama! Up!"

Our one-year-old daughter, Daphne, was standing on her tiptoes with her arms stretched out to me.

"How did you get here?" I sat up, Link's arm sliding away from me as he propped himself up. 

I picked her up and lifted her onto the bed as she instantly ran over to Link, who embraced her immediately. "Good morning trouble." He smiled.

She began speaking gibberish as she reached up and latched onto clusters of his hair as he scrunched up his face.

I groaned in visible jealousy. "Why does she love you so much more than me?"

"Oh, that's not true." Link tickled underneath her chin as the room was filled with her innocent, squealish little laughter. Link laughed along with her, his bright blue eyes glistening just like her identical pair. 

I got up out of bed to investigate how she had gotten out of her cot in the first place.

Upon entering the room, however, I was met with toys sprawled across the marble floor. "Oh, no." I whined from her bedroom. "Looks like she's been up for hours!" I paused when I saw a tall box standing next to her bed, picking it up and going to show Link.

"look at this." I barged in. "That girl is dangerously clever. She moved a box next to her cot so she could use it as a step and climb out!"

"Clever?" Link glanced at the box on my hand as Daphne squealed and continued to attempt to climb onto his shoulders. He picked her up with one hand and held her in front of him, furrowing his eyebrows. "Hmm. What are you hiding?"

She giggled sweetly into his face and grabbed onto more of his hair. "Oh well, I guess she has no answer." He grinned.

"Okay, well, you're gonna ruin my hair if you keep trying to twist it that way," Link argued as he sat infront of the dresser after agreeing to let me do his hair. 

"No, I know what I'm doing. You need to relax." 

Daphne ran around the room, her head down as she kept herself busied with some little teddy bear somebody had gifted her.

Princess Daphne had become the most adored girl in all of Hyrule throughout her twelve little months of life.

Daily, people sent gifts from across the world and even guards would grin when greeted by her. 

Her blonde hair took after mine, her freckles too. But her personality was all her father. Stubborn, loyal, loud and energetic. She had developed quite the attitude around me, and every now and then it got so bad that I had to reel my exhausted husband in to do whatever job needed to be done.

She had a nanny, of course, so we could get on with our duties as King and Queen; but during the nighttime and the early hours of the morning, she was all ours. And even just that much time with her was enough to take the living daylight out of you.

Even so, though exhausting, she was our everything.

I still grin to remember the day I told Link I was pregnant.

It was early spring, and I had been feeling sick for days.

I remember being completely bedridden with pain and nausea, and when I finally caved and let Link bring a doctor to our quarters, I learned that I was in fact with child.

Link was out the whole day, but once he came back, I told him the news. 

His reaction was a mix of fear and excitement, but soon excitement took over and for the next nine months, he was more protective and more sweet to me than ever before.

"Okay, all done." I finished tying Link's hair and he thanked me before we faced the hurricane that is a one-year-old child.

It took about twenty minutes for her to finally stop running around so I could pull a dress over her, and then I ran a brush through her hair whilst Link dealt with socks and shoes.

I picked her up and rested her on my hip before we advanced for the front door and I dropped her off at her nursery. She had a private nursery away from all the other kids in castle town.

Once she was dropped off, me and Link switched to co-worker mode and walked down the hallway side-by-side whilst assessing the damage of the calamity on the number of knights left in training. There had been a drastic decrease, naturally, and we had been reaching out to other kingdoms for help recently.

Our neighbouring kingdoms, Sibiah and Iblis, had kindly offered to help supply us with more materials, but were short on soldiers themselves; however, they had a lot of iron and stainless steel from the rock formation on their land, and we needed those materials for weaponary. Arobas, however, had a colossal army; biggest in the world. Our job was to negotiate some sort of deal to get them to lend us soldiers.

Each of the three kings would be arriving here in a couple days for a series of meetings stretching over four days to discuss some sort of deal between them.

If we didn't get what we needed, Hyrule would be in danger once again.

Yet, now I know the danger we had already put ourselves in; and boy am I glad I called it out in time.

*Hey thanks for checking this out! Okay so basically I had a couple ppl saying they wanted a sequel or atleast more of the story from Forbidden flame, so I just kind of whipped this up tonight as a taster. Let me know if you want me to keep going with this 😭*

Forbidden Flame (Chapter II): A Zelink storyWhere stories live. Discover now