"Open the door y/n."  She yells while banging on the door. I just put my headphones in and slip into my bed. Just a little more sleep and I should be able to shake this feeling.

I awake in the most uncomfortable chair I've ever slept in. And I've been in jail. I look around to see Scarlett sleeping on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her but no y/n. Damnit where is she?

She had me so worried last night. Not only did I think she was going to drink herself unconscious but she broke down in my arms and called me dad. It was the proudest yet brokenest feeling I've felt. I love that someone with such a painful past as hers can look at me that way, but I think it hurt because I could feel how hurt she was. She wanted her actual dad in that moment and I was there to fill it. But then she realized it was me but still talked to me, and thanked me, and opened up about how scared she is to be alone in this world.

I walk through the upstairs but smell coffee so head down more stairs to the kitchen. I see Lizzie pouring herself a cup but still no y/n.

"Morning. Where's y/n?"

"Her room" she says not looking up at me.

"You okay?" I ask and grab a mug out of the cabinet.

"Yep. Gonna do some journaling" she says going to walk away but I stop her

"Lizzie, I know you better than that what's wrong?" I ask in my manly voice

She looks up at me finally and I see her red eyes indicating she was crying. "Just y/n. I'm worried about her and she just keeps pushing me further and further away. She told me she didn't need me."

"Lizzie honey you know that's just the grief talking." I say and she nods

"I know but I promised Scarlett I'd be there for her and we'd help her but I just feel like I'm not helping at all. If anything I make it worse, she always gets annoyed with me around now." LizIe says running a hand through her hair.

"Liz that's cause you two are like siblings. She fights with you out of love. You know that as much as I've learned that about her. She only jokes with people she loves the most" I say

"I just want to help her" she says walking away with her coffee.

"Me and you both"

*two weeks later*
I'm back in California. Lizzie left NY a couple days after the funeral but I stayed. I couldn't just leave y/n like that and she was too out of it to leave her and have me feel safe being thousands of miles away. But Scarlett and her moved officially to California a couple days ago and although y/n was slowly getting better she still was not herself.
I'm just leaving the studio as I get a phone call from Scarlett.

"Hey Scar, I hope your cooking because I'm about to pick Susan up and head to you guys" I say throughly the car speaker phone

"Actually I'm running late but y/ns not answering. Did you talk to her today?" She asks

"I did around lunch time. She said she was painting Roses room." I say

"Okay that was what time?"she asks

"Like 1pm. Scsarlett what's going on?" I ask

"She hasn't answered me since I called her at like 2 and her location is off on her phone." She says and I instantly get worried.

"I'll head straight to your house. Susan can get there faster than both of us though. Let me call her" I say and she agrees and tells me she's still an hour away. After calling Susan and hearing the panic in not only my voice but Susan's voice I rush to y/n and Scarlett's house.

Pulling into their long driveway and up to the garage I see y/ns car is here. As is Susan's. I walk into the house yelling "y/n! Susan!"

"Rob" I hear my wife call me I follow her voice to the kitchen where she's standing behind the counter.
"She's not in the house. I've looked in every room" she says

"Her car is here" I say and Susan nods "check the garage" I say and she follows me to the garage.

Her bikes are here and her other cars too. But there's an ATV missing. "Okay she's on the land" I say pointing to the ATV. I hope on another one with a helmet and set out to look for her. I drive past Roses tree house and around some trees towards the pond and barn. That's when I see the ATV. it's parked on the hill top but y/n is not with it. I ride past the ATV and towards the barn seeing the door cracked open. I park the ATv right outside the door of the barn and hop off running inside.

"Y/n!! Y/n!!!" I call out. That's when I see her sitting in the window of the barn at the top level. Her head snaps over to me and she jumps off the window sil.

"Robert? What are you doing here?" She yells from the top of the barn

"We're suppose to have dinner, remember?" I ask holding my hands up like a 'duh' gesture.

"At 530. What time is it?" She asks.

"It's 6." I say and see her eyes bulge out.

"Shit. I lost track of time in here" she said climbing down the ladder and netting me on the ground in the middle of the barn. "I was cleaning up in here to get a better picture, then saw that window and the view is just amazing up there." She says and looks back up to the window.

"You were thinking of them weren't you?" I ask her

"Always am." She replies

"Good. And they are always with you. Watching your back." I say "Scarlett's running late, I'll text Susan to order something but can I help you in here?" I say grabbing a broom. She nods and I send Susan a text before helping her sweep out the dust and dirt from the floor.

I follow her back to the house on the ATV and she pulls into the garage at the same time Scarlett pulls in the driveway. I see Scarlett run out of her car and wrap her arms around y/n in a huge hug. I see them talking and y/n pulls out her phone but from the looks of it it was dead. They are still talking so I walk inside to see if Susan needs help setting up the food.

"Hey. Need help?" I ask her and she shakes her head no.

"How is she?" She asks

"She's doing better. She's missing them bad but it's getting better slowly." I say and she nods.

After we all eat and Susan and I are getting ready to head home I grab y/n and bring her outside. I had this gift I got her during the funeral that I wanted to give her but she was in no shape to receive them lately. But I think it would help her having this.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm always here for you. No matter what you'll always have me to lean on, to ask stupid questions, anything you need. And I know I'm not your parent but you have made me feel like one since I've met you. And it's helped me grieve my own losses and heal myself at the same time. So to thank you, I'd like to give you this" I say and pull out a long jewelry box. It's a bracelet, but what's on it is what's important to her. To me.

She opens the velvet box and gasps. She throws her hand to her mouth and I see the tears forming in her eyes. It's a delicate gold bracelet and where the links meet is a beautiful gold shooting star pendant. In the middle of the pendant was a small diamond that I thought could represent her.

"I know they called you their shooting star. And with this it will remind you that they are always with you. And in a way, you're also my shooting star because a few days after my daughter passed, one night I was on the beach and saw a shooting star. I wished that it brought me a happiness I thought I would never find again. And it brought me you." I say. She doesn't say anything but throws herself onto me and wraps me in a hug. One so tight and passionate I could feel everything she wants to say.

"T-thank you. Can you put it on me?" She asks me.

"Of course" I say and put the bracelet on her left wrist.

"On the left, closer to your heart." I say and kiss her forehead.

"I love you dad" she whispers in our hug.

"I love you too kid."

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now